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This guide is for educational purposes. This guide will help you understand why CPR training is important and needed for teachers, coaches, staff, and administrators. But first: Is online-only CPR certification training acceptable? Yes, according to National CPR Foundation, online CPR certification training is acceptable, provided that a medical facility or hospital is nearby and […]
Teachers are some of the most dedicated professionals in the world, but there are many reasons that they may need to resign. Teachers often find themselves in this position, whether because they’ve decided to focus on other aspects of their lives or because they’ve been offered a job at another school. In this article, we’ll […]
Undoubtedly, teachers can be important in any child’s life. Next to their parents, teachers can often be the most influential and revered figures many children come across regularly. This is because educators show people compassion and love but also help teach them the core skills required to navigate life. They are also crucial in showing […]
Stakeholder engagement is an essential aspect of the education sector which, when fostered, benefits everyone involved. Indeed, teachers have a passion for learning and making a difference that motivates them daily. However, their jobs are not easy " with responsibilities ranging from planning and preparing lessons, marking student work, researching and developing teaching materials, and […]
Whether your day-to-day life is in a full-time job or studying for a series of qualifications, we all need to be in the best condition possible to make the most of the opportunities that we have. This includes improving not only your physical health but your mental health. One of the main issues that people […]
Chronic stress happens when we feel overwhelmed, leaving us with the constant worry that we won’t be able to escape from it. Stress is a natural response produced by the body and can be caused by many things, such as your work, family, relationships, and other aspects of your busy life. While a small amount […]
The effects of suicide on the individual are apparent, but those on society can be tremendous, too. Just as a single pebble can disturb an entire pond, a sole suicide can impact the whole community. Studies suggest that a person taking their own life affects approximately 115 people close to them, with around 20 percent […]
Whether you're giving or receiving it, criticism can feel challenging, especially in a professional setting where you want to perform well and foster a positive environment. Regardless, helpful and constructive criticism can be highly valuable, improve communication, and help individuals improve their performance. Additionally, almost a quarter of employees say they would leave their job […]
In the United States, many different types of educational grants are available to students. The type of grant you can receive depends on who you are and where you live. Federal grants are available to individuals and institutions, but they’re typically awarded based on need. State grants are available at the state level and are […]
Getting kids to stay focused towards the end of the school year can be challenging for any teacher. With the school year ending on the horizon, textbooks and tests tend to be the last things on the minds of young students. Fortunately, there are plenty of ways that teachers can capture the attention of their […]
Selling cooperative learning resources requires a blend of educational insight, practical experience, and marketing acumen. As education continues to evolve, cooperative learning has become a staple in classrooms, promoting teamwork and communication among students. Platforms like Classful.com, designed to cater specifically to educators and educational materials, provide an excellent marketplace for these types of resources. […]
There’s a good chance that you’ll be able to find free classes for toddlers & kids in your area. While there are many types of classes for toddlers and young children, free classes for kids are offered by these companies: Michael’s Home Depot The Pottery Barn Kids The Disney Store Lego Stores The Lakeshore Learning […]
Many of us believe that creativity is an innate quality that a lucky few tend to be born with. However, this is not the case. Creativity is an integral life skill that can be nurtured and developed alongside practical skills such as math and reading. Creativity is vital for problem-solving beyond art, literature, or theater. […]
Teaching the arts of humanity is a great task. And can be a difficult task. Art is an important complement to the classes students take in the STEM and humanities fields, and it is taught at all levels of education, from elementary to high school. Teaching Art Art has been an important part of a […]
Creating and selling educational forms on Classful.com can be a rewarding opportunity for educators, curriculum developers, and educational content creators. Educational forms such as worksheets, quizzes, permission slips, and lesson plans are essential tools in both traditional and modern classrooms. Here’s an in-depth guide on how to create, market, and sell educational forms on Classful.com, […]
Creating and selling educational graphics is a unique opportunity to support educators and enhance student learning through visual aids. Classful.com, an educational resource platform, offers a marketplace where creators can sell and distribute their visual content to educators and schools. This guide will walk you through the process of creating, marketing, and selling educational graphics […]
Creating and selling educational handouts on Classful.com, a platform dedicated to educational resources, offers a unique opportunity for educators, content creators, and entrepreneurs. Educational handouts are essential tools in both traditional and digital classrooms, providing students with quick references, structured notes, and supplemental information to enhance their learning experiences. This extensive guide will cover the […]
Autism organizations are organizations that provide support and services to people with autism and their families. These organizations are typically non-profit, but they may also be for-profit businesses. Some of the ways that these organizations provide support include providing information about autism, connecting people with resources in their local community, providing advocacy services, and running […]
In the realm of education, humor is often an underutilized tool. Yet, when applied effectively, it can transform the classroom environment, making learning more enjoyable and memorable. This article explores how humor can be integrated into educational settings to enhance learning, alleviate stress, and foster a positive classroom culture. The Power of Humor in Learning […]
The ability to plan and regulate ourselves is fundamental to being effective in society. This includes timing our tasks when we complete a job, applying for roles in a new company, and managing how we respond whenever issues arise that we are not happy with. These competencies all come under the banner of 'executive function", […]
Being a parent comes with many challenges and issues to get on top of. This can be particularly true when your child starts school, especially if they have specific learning or thinking differences. These differences may make it tricky for them to manage their behavior in school successfully, and they could see themselves getting into […]
Much like other mammals, a significant part of how people communicate is through unspoken interactions and behaviors. Using our body language and behavior, you can ‘sync up’ with the other persona and engage in meaningful communication. From catching up with an old friend to a serious meeting with a supervisor, social cues provide insight into […]
Trauma is not a one-size-fits-all issue. As a teacher, you are likely to encounter students suffering from trauma for various reasons. Every student is unique, and so is their trauma. It’s important to fully understand what trauma is and how it can impact how your students behave and learn. Below, we’ll explore how trauma can […]
More kids in the US are being identified as having autism spectrum disorder (ASD). In 2022, 1 in 44 children, or 2.3%, were identified as having ASD, an increase from 1 in 54 in 2020. Growing awareness and identification of autism means it's even more important for parents to understand the condition and how to […]
Creating and selling educational activity materials can be a fulfilling venture, offering both financial rewards and the satisfaction of contributing to educational growth. Platforms like Classful.com, which specialize in educational activity resources, provide an excellent venue for educators and creators to market and sell their products. Here's an in-depth guide on how to create appealing […]
Creating and selling educational games on a platform like Classful.com presents a unique opportunity for educators, game developers, and entrepreneurs to engage and educate children and students in an interactive way. This comprehensive guide will take you through the steps of conceptualizing, developing, and selling educational games on Classful.com, ensuring you understand how to navigate […]
Creating and selling GATE resources for the Gifted and Talented Education (GATE) program involves understanding the specific needs and capabilities of gifted students. Selling on platforms like Classful.com can provide a specialized marketplace to reach educators and parents seeking advanced educational tools. This detailed guide will help you through the process of developing, marketing, and […]
Creating and selling guided reading resources can be a lucrative and impactful way to contribute to the educational field, particularly through platforms like Classful.com, which specializes in educational materials. Guided reading is a teaching approach used to help students improve their reading skills by providing tailored instruction at their specific level of reading development. This […]
Creating and selling educational laboratory resources on Classful.com can be a rewarding venture for those skilled in the sciences and passionate about education. Laboratory resources are essential tools for teaching various scientific disciplines, providing hands-on experiences that enhance learning and comprehension. This comprehensive guide will take you through the steps to create, market, and sell […]
Creating and selling rubrics for teachers on platforms like Classful.com can be an excellent way to support educators in assessing student performance effectively. Rubrics are crucial tools in education because they provide clear criteria for grading assignments, projects, and other activities. This extensive guide will explore the process of designing, developing, and marketing rubrics specifically […]
Creating and selling clip art, especially tailored for educational purposes, is a creative and potentially lucrative endeavor. Platforms like Classful.com, which cater specifically to educators and educational materials, are excellent venues for marketing and selling clip art that enhances learning experiences. This comprehensive guide will walk you through the process of creating, marketing, and selling […]
When you're working in education, boosting the positive attributes of your students is one of the most important things you can do. Teaching course content is a good start, but improving students’ soft skills means that they make the most of your teaching wherever possible. These skills include problem-solving, communication, and memory. Learn more about […]
Trying to bring out some creativity in your classroom? Give your 5th-grade students this list of inspirational writing prompts to get their thoughts growing! What are 5th-grade writing prompts? If you work in the classroom, you will know how difficult it can be to inspire your younger students to put their thoughts into words, which […]
Reading is a cornerstone of a young person's development, teaching them not only literacy skills but about the philosophy of the world around them and what society is like. When choosing the right books, you need content that will challenge the reader intellectually and engage them with a fascinating subject matter. Learn more about some […]
Creating and selling educational scripts on platforms like Classful.com offers a distinctive opportunity for educators, playwrights, and content creators interested in merging the realms of education and performance art. Educational scripts are written works designed for performance, typically by students in a classroom setting, that aim to educate and entertain simultaneously. These educational scripts can […]
Classful: Revolutionizing Education Through Digital Resources and Fundraising In the age of digital transformation, the education sector has experienced vast changes in terms of learning methods, materials, and overall resources. Amidst this sea of educational platforms and tools, Classful emerges as a standout entity, catering not only to the academic needs of educators and students […]
Student alumni fundraising campaigns are common on university and college campuses as they raise money for scholarships, project developments, and other expenses. Compared to other types of fundraising, alumni fundraisers are the most profitable as they target supporters with first-hand experience of the benefits your college offers. However, not all student alumni fundraising activities can […]
Providing students with an excellent education is far more than memorizing math or understanding science. Class initiatives are an excellent path for well-rounded learning that benefits students long-term and provides them with vital soft skills. While the results of initiatives are less tangible than pop quizzes or papers, they can support students in different ways. […]
Whether you’re approaching football season or require money for new equipment, gear, or anything else, fundraising is the ideal way to ensure your football team has everything they need for success. Whether you’re an organization or student group looking to raise money to support football, using the right platform is the key to success in […]
The Parent Teacher Organization (PTO) is the heart of a school and key to many of the events and extra-curricular activities that take place there. Without funds, a PTO can’t pay for many of these activities, and schools cannot engage parents and students in the school community. Luckily, most PTOs are fantastic at fundraising. Utilizing […]
Do you want to raise money for your senior class? If so, you've probably toyed around with a few senior-class fundraising ideas. However, you can't find the right product strategies that help you raise significant amounts. In this article, we'll look at some of the best tips, strategies, and ideas you can use to raise […]
Classful is a fundraising platform that allows parents and other community members to donate directly to their area’s teachers. Unlike many other platforms, there are no hidden fees or participation costs. 100% of the donations (except for the payment processing fees) go directly to the teacher, and they can access their funds immediately. If you […]
Do you want to raise funds for your middle school? Whether you're raising funds for the classroom or want money for school supplies, you need a steady rotation of new fundraising campaigns to keep your supporters engaged. Teachers and faculty members often use the same old fundraising techniques to save time and money. Unfortunately, these […]
Raising money to support your drama club can be fun because you’ll have a whole pool of talented and creative individuals who can serve as volunteers to help make the campaign successful. Some of the ideas described below will allow your drama club members to showcase their talents and gain helpful experience maximizing their creativity […]
Selling arts and crafts resources can be a rewarding way to merge creativity with commerce, especially on educational platforms like Classful.com that cater to teachers and students. This comprehensive guide will provide you with a step-by-step approach to creating, marketing, and selling arts and crafts resources on Classful.com, helping you turn your artistic talents into […]
Creating and selling educational flashcards is a fantastic way to provide valuable learning tools for students and educators. Flashcards have been effectively used for decades to enhance memory retention, making them a staple in educational settings. This detailed guide will walk you through the process of creating, marketing, and selling flashcards on Classful.com, a popular […]
Creating and selling learning center resources on platforms like Classful.com can be a lucrative and fulfilling endeavor. This detailed guide will walk you through the process of creating high-quality learning center resources, marketing them effectively, and successfully selling them on Classful.com. Step 1: Understanding the Market Before you start creating resources, it's essential to understand […]
Creating and selling lesson plans online can be a rewarding way to share your expertise and make a substantial income. This comprehensive guide will help you understand how to design, develop, and sell your lesson plans on Classful.com, a popular platform for educational resources. Step 1: Understanding Your Audience Before creating lesson plans, it's crucial […]
Creating and selling Montessori resources can be both a fulfilling and profitable venture, particularly when leveraging platforms like Classful.com, which cater specifically to educators and educational resources. Montessori resources and education, known for its emphasis on independent, hands-on learning and collaborative play, requires specific types of materials. Here's an extensive guide on how to create, […]
Creating and selling educational worksheets on Classful.com provides an excellent opportunity for educators, curriculum developers, and content creators to contribute valuable, targeted learning materials that enhance classroom instruction and independent study. Worksheets are fundamental educational tools used across all grade levels and subjects to reinforce learning concepts, assess comprehension, and stimulate critical thinking. This extensive […]
Creating and selling educational printables on Classful.com is a fantastic opportunity for educators, designers, and anyone with a passion for education to share their resources and generate income. This extensive guide will walk you through the process from concept to sale, providing detailed steps and tips to help you succeed in creating printables and selling […]
Creating and selling reading passages on Classful.com offers a unique opportunity for educators, writers, and content creators to contribute to educational enrichment while also generating revenue. This extensive guide will cover all aspects of developing, packaging, and marketing reading passages effectively on this platform. Understanding the Market for Reading Passages 1. Audience Analysis: Identify whether […]
Creating and selling syllabi on Classful.com presents a unique opportunity for educators, curriculum developers, and academic consultants to provide valuable resources that can shape the educational experiences of countless students. A well-crafted syllabus serves as a roadmap for both teachers and students, outlining the structure of a course, the materials needed, and the learning objectives […]
Creating and selling task cards on Classful.com offers an innovative opportunity for educators, curriculum designers, and content creators to provide versatile and engaging learning tools that cater to a variety of educational needs. Task cards are small cards that provide students with focused, bite-sized learning activities, which can range from solving problems to answering questions […]
When teaching, you'll often rely upon expository texts to deliver your points; this is a broad term that refers to any non-fiction text that provides factual information on a given topic. For certain subjects such as science and history, these might be your main type of resource for educating the class. Even if you don't […]
Student bodies are an interesting and important part of the US education system. A student body is a group of students who attend an institute of higher education. Student bodies are usually comprised of people with similar interests and goals or at least have some sort of commonality that allows them to work together on […]
Have you ever wondered if there is a science behind how children learn in the educational system? Educational psychology is a branch of psychology that focuses on the intersection between learning and psychological processes. In other words, educational psychologists study how people learn and how this process can be improved. Learn more about what this […]
When you are in academia, completing a research project is one of the most enticing things you can think about. It is your opportunity to tread new ground in your field and inform generations of academics to come with brand-new insight. However, before you start your research, you need funding and support from an institution. […]
A CV is an academic document that provides a snapshot of your academic and professional experience. It is often the first point of contact between you and an employer, so it's essential to make sure that you have a clear and effective CV that highlights your skills, experience, and achievements. The good news is that […]
Compassion fatigue, sometimes known as second-hand shock or secondary stress reaction, is a condition that occurs when attempting to help individuals who have gone through a traumatic event or are dealing with emotional issues. Compassion fatigue usually impacts individuals in social care, healthcare, or other professions that involve caring for others. It can potentially detrimentally […]
When it comes to teaching students, there are many ways that individuals can benefit from various teaching strategies. To accommodate a range of students, you will need to be aware of how they differ, and one of these ways is through the eight multiple intelligences suggested by Howard Gardner. One of these is intrapersonal intelligence. […]
A well-crafted syllabus is a crucial teaching aid that sets a course’s vision, intention, aims, tone, and expectations at the very beginning. In a practical sense, a syllabus will usually outline the vital elements of a course, including core topics, scheduling, and assignments. Yet it can also contain much more, which we will cover in […]
Motivating students is one of the most challenging tasks a teacher has. Students sometimes go to school and don't feel engaged, meaning they learn less from each lesson. By understanding the difference between intrinsic and extrinsic motivation, you benefit from inspiring your students more and improving the standard of their work. Learn more about intrinsic […]
A career in academia can be highly rewarding. It is an opportunity to spend your working life in a stimulating environment, teaching and researching a subject you love. It is also a chance to pass on your knowledge to others, helping to nurture younger generations in the process. As an academic, you can enjoy comfortable […]
Creating and selling eBooks, particularly in the educational sector, presents a unique opportunity to reach a broad audience of educators, students, and self-learners. Platforms like Classful.com, which specialize in educational resources, can be ideal for distributing eBooks that cater specifically to educational needs. This comprehensive guide will cover everything from the creation of eBooks to […]
Creating and selling fonts on an educational website like Classful.com can be a unique and potentially lucrative endeavor, especially for those looking to supply educational resources to teachers and students. Here’s a comprehensive guide on how to create and sell fonts tailored specifically for educational purposes on platforms like Classful.com. Understanding the Market Before diving […]
Creating and selling literacy centers on platforms like Classful.com offers a fantastic opportunity for educators to share innovative teaching tools and earn income. This detailed guide will walk you through the entire process from designing engaging literacy centers to effectively marketing and selling them online. Step 1: Understanding the Market Before you begin creating your […]
Creating and selling math center resources on educational platforms like Classful.com is a promising opportunity for educators, content creators, and entrepreneurs. This comprehensive guide will take you through the steps to develop, market, and sell math center resources effectively. Step 1: Market Research Identify Your Niche: Focus on specific areas within math education where you […]
Creating and selling movie guides on platforms like Classful.com can be a lucrative venture for educators, especially as films increasingly become integral parts of curriculum across educational levels. Movie guides help students engage critically with films, understanding them not just as entertainment but as complex texts that offer insights into culture, history, psychology, and more. […]
Creating and selling educational posters on platforms like Classful.com can be a fulfilling and profitable venture. Educational posters are valuable resources that can enhance learning environments by simplifying complex information, visually engaging students, and reinforcing learning. Below, we detail a comprehensive guide on how to create and sell educational posters, specifically focusing on utilizing Classful.com, […]
Creating and selling science centers on Classful.com presents a unique and lucrative opportunity for educators, scientists, and enthusiasts passionate about spreading scientific knowledge. A science center is a compilation of resources and activities that focus on scientific topics, providing hands-on learning experiences that are both educational and engaging. This guide will delve deeply into the […]
Creating and selling educational songs on Classful.com provides an engaging way to deliver curriculum content through music, catering to auditory learners and adding a creative flair to classroom instruction. Music can significantly enhance memory retention, making educational songs a valuable tool for teaching various subjects. This guide will explore the entire process of conceptualizing, producing, […]
Creating and selling educational templates on Classful.com provides a unique opportunity to streamline the educational process for teachers and students alike. These templates can range from lesson plans, project designs, and assessment sheets to interactive classroom activities and digital tools. Effective educational templates help educators save time, maintain consistency, and enhance the learning experience. This […]
Creating and selling educational videos on Classful.com represents a dynamic opportunity to engage with an ever-growing market of educators and learners seeking multimedia learning tools. Educational videos are instrumental in today’s digital classroom, offering visual and auditory stimuli that can enhance understanding and retention of information across various subjects. This comprehensive guide will walk you […]
JROTC stands for the Junior Reserve Officer Training Corps and is a program sponsored by the US Armed Forces, working across the country since 1916. Every branch of the military, including the coastguard, uses its JROTC units, and your kids can make the most of the JROTC by building incredible life skills. Read on to […]
Prom is an exciting time for many students and teachers alike. As a reward for an excellent year of work and a chance to socialize with classmates, having the best prom possible is something many schools want to provide. So whether you’re planning on hosting multiple proms this year to make up for a missed […]
Baseball fundraising is one of the best ways for summer leagues, school baseball teams, and even traveling teams to produce extra money to support their specific programs. These funds can be used for team uniforms, new equipment, travel expenses, training tools, and tournament entry fees for traveling teams. Many fundraising ideas work fairly well, and […]
Teacher Appreciation Week begins in May. This is towards the end of the school year, so students are looking forward to a stress-free summer of fun. Your teacher may not be as excited about the summer, which can offer a cessation of income and a second job or long professional development seminars. Show how much […]
Are you tired of fundraising the old way and dealing with headaches? Luckily, Classful is here and ready to help! Fundraising is essential for most schools, organizations related to schools, and student clubs and groups. One type, in particular, is student council fundraising. Over time, student council members have come up with many ways to […]
Are you looking for creative ways to raise funds for your classroom or religious school? If so, Classful is happy to help. Unlike public schools, religious schools don't receive public funding, making religious school fundraising an ongoing effort for students and staff. Unfortunately, this can present a huge challenge, especially if you need to raise […]
Do you have an upcoming reunion from your high school or college days? Whether you’re keen on getting everyone together or celebrating your classmates’ achievements, a fundraiser can help make your idea a reality. Using a dedicated donations platform is ideal for bringing in the funds to make your reunion even more memorable. Classful is […]
Raising money for sports, events, and other activities is commonplace in most schools, and cheerleading is no exception. With cheerleading teams requiring plenty of funding and support to meet their full potential, raising money through a suitable platform is the ideal way to ensure your cheerleading team can achieve all they need. Whether it’s transport […]
Any teacher who’s headed up extra-curricular clubs and sports teams will know how difficult it can be to raise funds to keep the club going. The band comes with many financial responsibilities, including covering the cost of instruments and travel between venues, as well as the occasional costs of overnight stays. If you need funds […]
As a teacher, there are ways that you can receive free teacher supplies funding for your classroom! Here are a few of the best ways for teachers to get free classroom supplies: Seek out donations from organizations Start a fundraising campaign Make a wishlist on Classful Get free notebooks through Mead4Teachers Get a Target field […]
Creating and selling mnemonic resources can be a rewarding way to assist educators and students in improving memory retention and understanding of complex subjects. Selling on platforms like Classful.com, which specializes in educational resources, can provide a broad audience and a solid business opportunity. Here's a comprehensive guide to creating and marketing mnemonic resources effectively. […]
Creating and selling educational scaffolds on platforms like Classful.com is an excellent way to support educators in providing differentiated learning experiences tailored to diverse student needs. Educational scaffolds are tools or strategies used to support student learning by providing temporary assistance until learners become independent in the learning process. This extensive guide will detail how […]
Creating and selling educational simulations on Classful.com offers an innovative way to engage students in immersive learning experiences that replicate real-world scenarios. These educational simulations are designed to help students develop critical thinking, problem-solving, and decision-making skills by placing them in simulated environments where they can experiment with various outcomes. This extensive guide will outline […]
Creating and selling word wall resources on Classful.com offers a fantastic opportunity for educators, content creators, and designers to provide valuable tools that can enhance vocabulary development and literacy in classrooms across various educational levels. Word walls are interactive tools that serve as visual aids in classrooms to help students learn new words, concepts, or […]
Creating and selling educational workbooks on Classful.com provides an exciting opportunity for educators, content creators, and publishers to offer valuable, structured learning tools. Educational workbooks are essential in both classroom and home learning environments, designed to reinforce knowledge through exercises, activities, and assessments. This comprehensive guide will delve into how to design, develop, and effectively […]
Educators, creators, and innovators, it’s time to turn your passion into profit! Join Classful, the vibrant marketplace where your educational resources not only enlighten minds but also fill your pockets. Start selling educational resources today! At Classful, a world of educators is waiting to discover and use your resources. Why Keep Your Brilliance to Yourself? […]
Have you ever noticed that some words in English sound similar to each other? That's because they often contain the same combinations of letters, making them into a 'word family." For instance, the words 'core," 'bore", 'sore" and 'more" all contain 'ore." Similarly, the words 'skip," 'tip", 'snip" and 'flip" all contain 'ip." There are […]
According to Jean Piaget, in his theory of cognitive development, there are four stages that each individual goes through. These include the Sensorimotor stage, the Preoperational Stage, the Concrete Operational stage, and the final stage in someone's development, the Formal Operational stage. Find out more about what the formal operational stage is, when this stage […]
Do you have a rowdy class to which you can't seem to hold their attention or get it back after an activity? It's easy for kids to get so into an activity that they feel almost immune to the outside. Seeing them so engaged and intrigued by your activities is great, but it's a nightmare […]
Students bring into your classroom all kinds of emotions and needs. They vary in ideas, beliefs, and understandings, and it’s important that, as their educator, you are equipped to hear and consider all of these to provide them with the most engaging and interactive classes possible. That's why many teachers like to start their day […]
Educational Resources
Creating and selling study guides on Classful.com offers a valuable opportunity for educators, content creators, and subject matter experts to provide focused, organized, and engaging learning materials to a wide audience. Study guides are essential tools for students at all educational levels, helping to consolidate learning, reinforce key concepts, and prepare for assessments. This comprehensive […]
Creating and selling test prep materials on Classful.com offers an exceptional opportunity for educators, tutors, and educational content creators to provide valuable resources that help students achieve academic success. Test preparation is critical in education as it not only enhances students' knowledge but also boosts their confidence and exam-taking skills. This extensive guide will cover […]
When infants and toddlers need additional support with their development, you'll get an Individualized Family Service Plan, also known as an IFSP. Hundreds of thousands of children throughout the USA receive early intervention services each year, and the program is set to expand even further. It can be daunting if your child needs additional support […]
If a student in your classroom is struggling with the material more than their peers, it's possible that they could have special learning requirements. In many cases, the school and the child's parents are already aware of this, as symptoms typically develop before they attend education. Still, there are also instances where children don't receive […]
Teaching early years students is a challenging yet fulfilling feat. You start with a blank canvas, and you get to help define their first steps into education. As such, it’s vital to teach them fundamental skills that will serve them in their education moving forward and in life in general. Story sequencing is one such […]
Students of all ages can enjoy the freedom of writing fiction. They might even be interested in specific genres due to the easily identifiable patterns and tropes that make up most of their entertainment.  If you're leading a class, you want to ensure they're able to reach their full potential; this is sometimes possible with […]
If you're an educator, you'll know the word rigor by now and what it means to your student’s education. But you may wonder if some tactics and approaches could increase rigor while encouraging dynamic and innovative learning designed to improve engagement levels. We believe there is and that it's through categorizing your academic tasks according […]
For young kids, the education they receive in school is crucial to their academic development and personal growth. The things they learn in your classroom will give them the skills they will take with them to progress throughout their education, careers, and social lives. This is why early years education is one of the most […]
The Marzanos 9 instructional strategies for teaching and learning are a way of thinking about how to teach and learn that can help you become a better teacher. They’re based on Dr. Ernest R. Marzano, who spent years researching what makes for effective teaching and learning in K12 classrooms. Marzano’s 9 instructional strategies His research […]
Parents must ensure they are helping their children get the most out of their education, so they have the best opportunities in the future. However, education is not as simple as how academically intelligent you are, how good you are at solving equations, or how well you remember dates from a history book. Education includes […]
As August rolls around, excitement and nerves start washing over teachers worldwide. There’s much to prepare in the run-up to the new school year. Lesson plans, supply runs, and classroom prep take over the final countdown to the new school year. We want to make a good first impression on our students. To make them […]
When you're in a classroom or any other social situation, you come across plenty of people with different ways of thinking from you. While many of these come from social and cultural differences from one, some of them come from psychological differences that people have from birth. This includes conditions such as high-functioning autism. Learn […]
Applied behavior analysis, or ABA, is a strategy for changing social behavior, specifically among children with autism, though there are many benefits to using this on a grander scale. The main goal of ABA in any setting is to improve a child's social and communication skills. This involves certain techniques that anybody can use, even […]
When we speak, we follow certain invisible rules " ones we might take for granted and may not even realize exist in the first place. Some people, especially those with social communication disorder, can find it difficult to understand these rules, even though they can speak perfectly fine and understand conversations to the same degree […]
When someone has ADHD, there are some symptoms that people assume that sufferers have. These include hyperactivity, an inability to focus, and the potential to be forgetful in various situations. However, relatively few people know that the condition seriously affects people's moods. Learn more about ADHD mood swings, how to recognize ADHD mood swings, and […]
When it's time to go back to school, you want to ensure that everything is in the right place and that you've made the proper preparations for your child. Creating a perfect back-to-school night is a must and makes the difference between a great and a bad return to education for the year. Find out […]
Galileo Galilei was an influential figure who offered the world several scientific discoveries. He was particularly interested in the stars, with his work building a foundation for future scientists and astronomers. Although the night sky was his main passion, Galileo also helped further the advancement of physics through his work. Unfortunately, due to the period […]
Dr. Seuss is one of the enduring giants of children's literature. His books have been read and reread throughout homes and classrooms for over half a century. Since Dr. Seuss began publishing in 1937, children of all ages have flocked to his fantastical characters. Clever rhymes and heartfelt guidance dwell within these pages. Even adults […]
If you're a teacher keeping your lesson plans interactive and engaging are crucial for responsive learning and will make your students feel motivated and excited by your class. It's essential to provide them with all the academic knowledge they need for tests, but what about external knowledge? Knowledge of what's happening in the world; politics, […]
Teaching writing skills to children can be very rewarding. Not only are you firing up their imaginations, but you are also helping them to develop self-reflection and emotional expression. Beyond this, good foundational writing skills can help children in many practical ways as they grow older, from academic essays to job applications and work presentations. […]
Whether you're only just starting your career as a tutor or you're looking to tutor as a way of weaning yourself off teaching, there is plenty to gain from online tutoring. It's a fun and accessible way of impacting the next generation of learners without leaving your house. Learn more about online tutoring jobs and […]
If you’re a teacher struggling with self-doubt or inadequacy, you may suffer from imposter syndrome. In this article, we explore imposter syndrome, including signs of imposter syndrome and how to overcome it. What is imposter syndrome? Imposter syndrome, also perceived fraudulence, occurs when an individual doubts their capabilities and worth despite their accomplishments, experience, and […]
If you have ever experienced a moment where you lose mental clarity and find yourself struggling to focus, you may face mental fog, also known as brain fog. So what is this condition, and what can you do to stop it from happening? Read on to find out. What is mental fog? You can get […]
In the United States, education is a right afforded to every student. However, this right is not always equally available to all students. Socioeconomic status (SES) has been shown to play a significant role in how well students do in school and whether or not they graduate high school. In this article, we will explain […]
When the global pandemic shut down schools, education and teaching essentially switched to taking place online. 1.6 billion students across 150 countries were affected by disruptions to their education during this crisis. While many teachers felt relieved when schools reopened, and they could get back into the classroom in person, many others found that online […]
When it comes to improving classroom learning and education, we're realizing more and more just how important it is to incorporate psychology into our practices. After all, education is much more than remembering facts and taking tests. It requires understanding and supporting emotional and mental health and respecting different students’ needs. Locus of control is […]
Being a teacher can be as stressful and time-consuming as it is rewarding. Of course, many people go into the profession hoping to make a difference in student’s lives and help improve their education. Still, amidst the everyday workload and surprise inspections, it can be easy to lose track of what you set out to […]
Celebrated globally on 5 October each year, World Teachers' Day is a time to recognize teachers’ impact on students and the wider community. A constant source of support for their students, teachers, can help to shape a young person's life and ensure they reach their potential. Sometimes overlooked in society, teachers and educators celebrate World […]
As the new school year approaches (or continues if you’re in a year-round district), it’s time to prepare for your new batch of students. And for another round of a set of problems that every teacher seems to encounter at least once, if not every year. Or every month. These aren’t severe problems that make […]
Teaching is a challenging enough job on its own. But when it comes to teaching high schoolers, there's more pressure than ever to provide your students with the tools for their future. After all, the next step is college or the working world " so we're the last point at which kids can turn over […]
Libraries don’t typically receive much funding from sources, so they rely on donations and special fundraising campaigns to keep them operational. Even in the modern age of the internet, with a wealth of online information, libraries still fulfill a major role in the community by providing reference books, literary classics, and reading materials of all […]
School sports teams are important for many reasons. Not only do they promote physical health, but they can benefit emotional and mental health, too. They are effective in helping children to socialize and to engage in a hobby that they are passionate about. For a sports team to flourish, sufficient funding is required. This allows […]
For many sororities, philanthropy and fundraising play a significant role. The former ensures members of the sorority can help the community, while the latter allows the Greek organization to thrive. Unfortunately, coming up with a fundraising idea for your sorority that donors will participate in or attend isn't as easy as it seems. People constantly […]
Running a school hockey team isn’t as easy as it sounds, and fundraising can be even harder. Keeping fundraising ideas fresh and interesting year after year can be tough, but it’s doable. It’s important to have a wide repertoire of ideas to mix up each year and utilize every avenue available to maximize participation and […]
Raising money in college is a tricky affair. Your expectations are high, student budgets are low, and your efforts never seem to work. You must set clear goals, diversify your strategies, engage students and the local community, and tell a story. While this seems straightforward, coming up with unique and effective college fundraising ideas isn't […]
It's no secret that finding the perfect elementary school fundraiser can be difficult. School groups and teachers must constantly find new fundraiser ideas that build excitement and support. Unfortunately, most fundraising ideas have been done before, but this doesn't mean you can't add a unique twist to your fundraiser. Remember, the best fundraising actions are […]
Given that tuition and extra-curricular fees rarely cover all the costs incurred by preschool organizations and childcare centers, it’s almost always necessary to conduct fundraisers to supplement those sources of income. Fundraising campaigns for these worthwhile causes are also a great way to show youngsters the importance of giving back to the community and helping […]
Running school clubs and sports teams comes with certain responsibilities, and fundraising is trickier. Fundraising is often needed to ensure that your volleyball team has enough money to travel between matches and events and pay for equipment and practice gear. But fundraising year after year in a small school community without your fundraising attempts getting […]
Booster clubs are a fantastic way for parents and the school community to get together and raise funds to provide the best resources for our learners. Unfortunately, many learning institutions lack the funds to offer the best possible education for their students, so fundraising is a great way to support young learners and schools. Booster […]
Raising money for great causes is a great way to get students and the local community involved in charities that make a difference. DECA (Distributive Education Clubs of America) is one of the best organizations to support students looking to move into a wide range of careers. With more than 225,000 members and thousands of […]
With these 75 books, your classroom will be alive with creativity and learning, from teaching challenging topics to escaping into magical worlds. We all know how vital reading is for children of all ages. By kindergarten, they are ready to discover the world. The perfect way to help them do this is through the power […]
In the classroom, there are dozens of ways to encourage students to engage and connect with their learning. Knock-knock jokes are below! Fun, games, and jokes can be just as valuable a part of the learning experience as serious study and lessons. Adding joy into the mix makes it easier for students to connect with […]
How do you feel when you get a compliment? Any child in the world universally loves to feel appreciated and noticed, so if you want to add some high spirits to your classroom, then now is a good time to start handing them out. Students that have worked hard on their assignments place a high […]
In a school, looking to activate students’ critical thinking skills and problem-solving is a must. Not only does this improve their output in school, but it increases their ability to solve problems in their careers in the future. Look at 105 riddles for students with answers, and watch your students consider the answers to these […]
The months and weeks leading up to the school year’s conclusion can be incredibly busy with many activities in addition to regular school work. There are exams to prepare for and many out-of-classroom events that students and teachers will want to participate in. Talent shows and recitals are very popular at this time of the […]
Second graders are at a pivotal time in their young lives and an exciting place educationally. They are working hard to do well in school and make more sense of the greater world around them. Many teachers love to teach 2nd grade for various reasons. Here are our nine reasons why 2nd grade is the […]
Even in the realm of teaching, elementary school is something entirely different from everything else out there. As a teacher, not only is it your responsibility to support your students to succeed academically, but you’re also there to help them learn other vital soft skills they use later in life. Anything from communication to working […]
Sometimes history class is known for being too serious (or boring). Many students associate it with a vicious cycle of note-taking and test-taking. If you're looking for a way to liven things up and bring laughter into the classroom, here are 25 history jokes for kids and students you can incorporate into your lesson plans. […]
Who doesn't love teacher jokes? You've probably heard 20 teacher jokes or more if you've been in the field for over a few months. Teaching with humor makes a big difference in a classroom’s mood and even the students’ lives. When people find something humorous, they are more likely to engage in the conversation and […]
You likely know more than 20 very funny English puns from casual conversations and witty comedy entertainers. Clever puns seem to pop up everywhere, which is good because they keep us smiling (and maybe even rolling our eyes occasionally). Puns have been around for a very long time. Did you know they have been traced […]
Gifted Students
Some children are exceptionally talented in certain areas. These areas include math, writing, or music, while others may struggle with learning challenges like ADHD, dyslexia, dyscalculia, autism, and sensory processing issues. However, some children fit into both categories, known as twice-exceptional or “2e” children. 2e children possess exceptional abilities and disabilities that affect their learning […]
Reading is hard. It takes a lot of focus and concentration to decode words, let alone understand them. This is why learning how to read is not something that happens overnight. It takes time. Similarly, some kids are better readers than others, and understanding why this is important for helping them learn. This article will […]
In the simplest possible terms, metacognition is the practice of thinking about your thinking. It can be an important skill for improving your learning and problem-solving abilities. By being aware of your thought processes and understanding how you learn best, you can more effectively plan and execute tasks, monitor your progress, and identify areas where […]
Dogfooding, what is it? It may or may not be a word you have never heard before. You may be thinking, how does dog food have anything to do with teaching? How could that help me better my learning plans for my students? Well, 'dogfooding' is a phrase that has nothing to do with food […]
As a teacher, it is your job to guide your students throughout their academic careers and instill in them the knowledge to succeed in their tests and apply these transferrable skills to different aspects of life. As adults, we often don't recall where and when we learned something that seems general and less academic - the little […]
Being a teacher involves a lot of tough decisions and complex challenges. Offering your knowledge to a new set of children each year provides a whole new set of opportunities to share what you know and instill inspiration and new knowledge in a new generation. However, there are a lot of philosophies that can impact […]
Many students in your class complain of boredom throughout the day, and we understand that this can be disheartening. But what if there was a more productive way to counteract this claim? Luckily, we have the answer right here for you " electives! These after-hours activities will combat the stereotype of school being boring and […]
For students in the classroom, learning social cues is just as much a part of the school experience as any other subject or skill. It can be hard to judge how well any student’s social skills are developing, but one of the ways you can do this is to use the criteria. These are any […]
Academic rigor is a term that's becoming more commonplace in education than ever before, but what is academic rigor? Why do we need it? For many teachers, rigor in the classroom is unfamiliar, making it far more challenging to support and implement in practice. Having a good understanding of rigor in education can be essential […]
As a teacher, it is your job to inspire and develop the next generation of thinkers, workers, and leaders, which can often prove challenging. Teachers can often find themselves struggling to relate to younger people and might find staying relevant something of a challenge. One solution is to ask them and use student interest surveys. […]
High School
Creating and selling educational incentives on Classful.com provides a unique opportunity for educators, administrators, and entrepreneurs to engage and motivate students. Educational incentives, often referred to as rewards or motivational tools, are used to encourage students to participate more actively in their learning process. These can range from tangible rewards like stickers and certificates to […]
Understanding word meanings and making the appropriate connections necessary to utilize more complex vocabulary in their writing and language use can be hard for some students. Not all students grasp vocabulary and language the same way others do, and certain words and phrases may take a little more effort to remember. Likewise, certain words are […]
Work in a high school or any other educational setting. The institution may have its own 'student union' " this is a building with the express purpose of providing specific services to pupils. This building, also known as a student activity center, contains various amenities that students can access during their leisure time, such as […]
It's inevitable that some difficult topics will come up when teaching US history to your class, and it's important that you navigate these issues sensitively. This ensures your class has a complete understanding of the subject at hand, rather than a sanitized and easy-to-digest version, and also that you respect their intelligence enough to engage […]
Mental health has become a prominent issue in society in recent years, especially among young adults. Long considered a 'taboo' subject, anyone of any age must know it’s OK to get the support they need. That’s why we believe mental health awareness is one of the most crucial aspects of high school teaching. By educating […]
When you're giving a speech, it's essential to plan what you will say. This helps you to deliver an effective speech that conveys the right message. When planning a speech, it's also necessary to consider who your audience is. Doing this helps you tailor your speech to the audience so it's informative, engaging, and simple […]
Working in schools is constantly battling to improve standards and provide a positive experience for children. Creating a healthy and happy environment in which they can most effectively learn is the main goal of schools, and action research is part of achieving this. So, what is action research, and how is it used to help […]
Smartphones are commonplace these days, so it's no surprise that most school pupils have one of their own. It's been reported that two-thirds of kids in the UK own a smartphone before they reach the age of 10. Back when mobile phones were a newer invention with fewer capabilities, their use was typically banned within […]
What is an IEP? IEP is an Individualized Education Program (IEP) that refers to a special-education study program incorporated into a school's curriculum. Linked to the Individuals with Disabilities Education Act (IDEA), a U.S. federal law, the IEP becomes a legal document establishing the child's eligibility. The disability must affect functioning at school for the […]
Encouraging students to become more creative is very important to their learning process. Over 80% of educators surveyed in the U.S believe creativity is a learned skill that should become a standard component of student learning. Creativity is important to the learning process because it encourages students to become more active and engaged with their courses. […]
In today’s fast-paced world, it is easy to overlook the lessons we can learn from our past. As educators and students, tapping into the wisdom of historical figures can offer unique insights into how we might navigate our personal and professional journeys. One such towering figure is George Washington, America’s first president and a key […]
Home Schooling
Creating and selling educational interactives on Classful.com provides a dynamic way for educators and content developers to engage students with digital learning tools. Educational interactives can include games, simulations, quizzes, and other multimedia content that make learning more engaging and effective. This extensive guide will explore how to design, develop, and successfully market educational interactives […]
A child's years spent in education are some of the most formative ones of their lives. They're learning fundamental and transferrable skills that will help them throughout their school life, careers, social settings, and relationships. Their days in school set them up for their lives in one way or another. That's why having a clear […]
Teaching your child at home by yourself can seem like a monumental task. But fortunately, plenty of help is available online. Various organizations have developed homeschooling programs and courses that make it easy for any parent to educate their child themselves. Moreover, you can use these courses for virtually any purpose, including preparing your child […]
The concrete operational stage is one of the earlier stages in a person's development and sees the conversion from more basic cognitive function to higher levels of complex thought. By understanding more about what the concrete operational stage is, schools have an opportunity to make the most of this development and improve the prospects that […]
Inspiring students within the classroom can be a tough job sometimes. Whether it's Monday morning after an exciting weekend, or the end of a long week, kids can be hard to control and even harder to motivate to learn. Keeping students focused takes practice and skill, and keeping morale up is another essential factor in […]
Teaching is a busy career with many responsibilities. The demands of the job mean managing your time effectively is essential. In 2019 one in four UK teachers reported working 60-hour weeks, and 10% usually spent some time working at weekends. With such a busy workload, being on top of time management can make it easier […]
Homeschooling has been going on for many years and has arguably become more commonplace following the pandemic. In 2022, studies noted a 63% increase in school-age children being educated at home during the 2020-2021 school year, attributing the change to the growth in homeschooling during national lockdowns. Parents might choose to educate their children at […]
As one of the oldest and most widely known teaching methods, a Socratic Principle is a common tool used for higher education, especially in Law. But outside of those specific environments, knowing the full extent of the Socrates method can be challenging. Despite its ancient origins, the Socratic teaching method is less complicated than you […]
For middle school teachers, coming up with creative writing prompts, or middle school writing prompts in general, can be an extra pile of work on top of an already unsteady tower. With journal prompts, essay prompts, and essay topics more important than ever when it comes to getting middle schoolers to think for themselves, a […]
Are you struggling to inspire your class with engaging, effective, and significant short stories for high school? Perhaps you've been unable to find passages that suit 9th-grade short story requirements for your class. Whatever the reason, finding the best short stories for your class may take a little extra effort " but it's more than […]
How to sell
Creating and selling service learning materials for educators on Classful.com is a unique opportunity to contribute to an important educational approach that combines learning objectives with community service. Service learning enables students to apply academic skills to solve real-world problems, fostering personal growth and civic responsibility. This extensive guide will provide detailed steps on how […]
Mental health disorders in children are generally defined as delays or disruptions to their development. They can occur for several reasons and affect their thinking, behaviors, social skills, and ability to regulate emotions; if you work in childcare or are near children regularly, you must understand these disorders, how to approach them, and what to […]
As children grow, they reach developmental milestones. Seeing your child reach a new milestone can be a great source of pride for parents and caregivers and also gives reassurance that your child is making progress as expected. Children develop at their own pace; some reach key milestones a little earlier or later than others. A […]
Experiencing a traumatic event can be a challenging hurdle to overcome. While you may be aware of post-traumatic stress disorder, or PTSD, many people don’t know the other outcome that can arise following a difficult event or circumstance. Post-traumatic growth is a theory suggesting that you can come out of the other side of trauma […]
As a teacher, you might benefit from implementing Universal Design for Learning into your usual lessons, which helps accommodate the entire classroom. The term 'universal' could suggest a broad approach that teaches everybody the same way, but UDL is instead a method of educating the class using the techniques that work best for them. What […]
Just like adults, children can experience mental health problems. However, they are less likely to identify or understand them. Therefore, improving awareness of children's mental health issues is essential. This post explores the value of understanding children's mental health problems. It then looks at what treatment options psychology has to offer and the effects it […]
Reaching 7 can be a fascinating time for both a child and parents. The toddler years are behind you, and your child is fully developing into a personality and identity of their own. While they remain highly dependent, they are now starting to exercise forms of their independence and aren’t quite so reliant on mom […]
The Prohibition era in America began in 1920 and lasted for 13 years. Over a century since the ban on intoxicating liquor was introduced, the 'noble experiment" is widely considered a failure. Yet, Prohibition remains one of the most talked about attempts at social engineering in history, and its legacy and lessons remain valid even […]
Developmental milestones are physical, cognitive, social-emotional, and language skills that children typically acquire at specific ages. Each developmental area has an expected range for when these skills should emerge. Developmental milestones are important indicators of a child's growth and development. They represent the skills that 75% or more children should have achieved by a certain […]
Children don't always get the best start in life. Many experience adverse childhood experiences (ACEs). The ACE concept has been around since the 1980s. Kaiser Permanente's Vincent Felitti developed it after observing a connection between childhood trauma and obesity at his San Diego clinic in California. Since then, other mental health professionals have contributed significantly […]
In this article, we will look at intrinsic motivation, define it, and explain the key things to know about this interesting psychological concept. Intrinsic motivation describes how our internal rewards systems drive how we behave in everyday life. Motivation can be derived from various sources; for example, extrinsic reinforcement brings the ‘carrot or stick’ approach […]
Helping kids succeed in school is at the top of the to-do list for every parent " whether it's back-to-school time or anytime! Kids struggle with new classroom environments, lesson topics, changing social groups, and peer pressure every year. Moreover, somewhere in the back of our adult heads, we think our kids are strong, smart, […]
As parents, we want nothing more than to help our children succeed in life. This is especially true regarding their academic work and the skills they need for a bright future. Working alongside teachers, we can give our kids the tools to get further in life and do great things. Parenting plays a vital part […]
I recently attended my child’s school orientation, and, as usual, a teacher was there trying to recruit parents to be volunteers. I smiled and told him I was already a part of the team of volunteers. Despite my busy-mom schedule, I find time to provide much-needed assistance to the school. Everyone benefits when you help […]
When students enjoy a positive learning environment, they can learn the necessary concepts more readily. Yes, students can gain knowledge in environments that are less than ideal. There is no reason to put that difficulty in front of them. Traditional classrooms aren’t always positive, and abandoning a model that is less than ideal is okay. […]
An old Irish proverb says: 'Questioning is the door of knowledge." Life is full of things to be curious about, so let's dive in and think about 20 questions that make you wonder. I Wonder: What is it? 'I Wonder" questions are just what they sound like: The beginning of a statement that asks for […]
Classroom management is a crucial aspect of teaching, but it's one area teachers often struggle with. Although there are numerous strategies you can use to enhance your classroom management, it can be tricky to decide which is the right one for you and your students. No teacher forgets the first time they lost control of […]
While some think of an iPad as another way to put children before a screen, the average tablet can be an excellent addition to a child's education if used productively. Both inside and outside of the classroom, if used correctly, this bit of tech can help children develop and provide them with fun and engaging […]
School fundraisers for kindergarten classes can now be accomplished with greater ease and much more fun using some of the ideas we have listed below. Any activity involving toddlers always seems to be adorable and fun for everyone. Since fundraising is a worthy cause that helps those youngsters, it can be even more enjoyable. Check […]
We live in an increasingly digital world. Daily, children and adults are exposed to several images digitally, whether from news sources, social media, or advertising campaigns. For this reason, teaching children about visual literacy is more important than ever. Below we explore what visual literacy is in more detail and offer tips about how to […]
Starting school is an exciting time, both for students and their families. However, many parents are unsure whether their children are ready for kindergarten. With varying kindergarten requirements, preparing your child for their first day at school can be stressful and daunting – if only for parents! Fortunately, you won't have to worry too much. […]
Lesson Planning
Who’s got the spirit? WE ALL DO! School spirit week is one of the most anticipated events on the calendar. Students, teachers, and administrators spend the week coming up with creative outfit ideas to fit the week’s themes. But planning the perfect spirit week itinerary can be a tall task. After all, you don’t want […]
May 5th is a special day for Mexico, commemorating their victory over France at the Battle of Puebla during the Franco-Mexican War in 1862. A vibrant celebration, it’s usually marked by carnivals and parades in larger cities. If you have never heard of this day before or don’t know much about it, why not read […]
Learning how to read is a fundamental part of learning, as it allows students to understand things written down. The foundations for reading start with hearing or viewing stories, where young learners make connections between words and images. The next level is learning to read and retain information through the written word. There's a reason […]
Perseverating is sometimes misunderstood as bad behavior or defiance. However, getting 'stuck" on a thought, action, question, activity, or feeling is not deliberate or poor behavior. In children and adults alike, perseverating cannot be helped and is often seen in injury. Even those undergoing extreme stress that they cannot manage may display signs of perseverance. […]
In the United States, all children with a classified disability are legally guaranteed free and appropriate public education, also known as FAPE. This legal doctrine is outlined in the Rehabilitation Act of 1973 and the Individuals with Disabilities Education Act (IDEA). At its core, FAPE ensures that all children receive a well-rounded education, particularly those […]
Sensory input is an everyday part of our lives – it is simply how we experience the world through our senses. This becomes more complex and important to understand when working with children. How do they experience sensory input? And how does this change for those with sensory processing issues, such as children on the […]
Mathematics is a difficult subject due to its abstract nature. For a section of the population, it is even more challenging. With math and the use of numbers being a foundation for many everyday scenarios, it is taught as a foundation in schools all over the world. Number dyslexia is unfortunately often misunderstood and under-prioritized […]
One key concept in reading research is the Simple View of Reading. Despite its importance, this is not an approach that all educators know about. This is a disadvantage as it can be a handy tool for understanding the core components of reading and assessing reading weaknesses in particular students. How does the Simple View […]
An often-used educational quote from anthropologist Margaret Mead: ‘Children must be taught how to think, not what to think.’ This pivots on helping them to develop a core ability that supports all subject engagement and recall – comprehension. Finding the best ways to stimulate comprehension in young children is not always straightforward. In older students, […]
All schools will have students with a wide range of abilities that they need to give the best support possible. This could be ensuring that high-flying pupils are helped to gain top marks or that struggling students are supported enough to reach their maximum potential. With this in mind, teachers have several frameworks, resources, and […]
“Math Is Fun” is a basic math education site for all grades up to 12th. The site’s clean graphics and simple interface make it a fantastic reference for students who may not quite understand explanations given in class or textbooks. The site is run by Rod Pierce, DipCE BEng, who also runs the quiz and […]
Math can be one of those particularly challenging areas for some students. Luckily, with modern teaching, plenty of free math websites are the perfect way to educate your students. Whether looking for basic math websites for kids or hunting for the best ones, this list has you covered. We look at 15 math sites for […]
Do you see children in your classes struggle with math when you know they shouldn’t have to? They could have math anxiety, which has insidious psychological effects even when the anxiety level is comparatively low. But what is math anxiety? And how do you overcome it? What is math anxiety? Math anxiety is a very […]
It's a common misconception that dyslexia is a disorder where sufferers struggle to read. It can also limit a child's cognitive development, impacting their ability to comprehend mathematics. This is something that the not-for-profit charity MIND " and Matthew Peterson, Ph.D. – have not only understood but have also channeled vast amounts of funds. Thanks […]
For students, including exciting and engaging technology in their day-to-day learning can be a great way to boost their skills. By providing students with the tools to solve puzzles, develop understanding and work solo, they're far better placed to succeed in the future. These platforms can create soft skills just as much as traditional comprehension, […]
If there's a single subject that more kids struggle with than any other, it's math. So when getting those important equations and essential rules across, you need all the help you can get. That's where the best free math apps come in. With 81% of teachers suggesting that using iPads could supplement learning, installing apps […]
Math can be one of the most challenging subjects that students learn, especially for those who don't find STEM subjects easy. Using digital tools for math has proven to be one of the most effective ways to boost students’ knowledge while retaining that all-important core of teacher-led learning. Algebra Nation (An Interactive Math Tool) is […]
Math-Whizz is a dynamic online math tutor for students between the ages of 5 and 13. It is offered by the Whizz Education company, which has been a part of the online education industry since 2004. The program was inspired by a parent's wish to help his children succeed at math and enjoy the process. […]
What is ST Math (interactive games & activities)? It is an online learning program developed by the MIND Research Institute that relies on well-studied practice concepts around math instruction. It provides a robust curriculum that builds up knowledge and skills step-by-step. Students from kindergarten through 8th grade are encouraged to solve structured problems with friendly, […]
Classroom instruction is just one component of a student’s learning and fully comprehending of new concepts, especially when it comes to a complex, important subject like math. Practicing the concepts taught in class is key to ensuring students have a firm grasp on the material and how to use them later on when exams roll […]
Middle School
If you’ve been a teacher for a long time, there’s a great chance that you’ll be used to using data to drive instruction to improve outcomes. However, if you’re a fairly new teacher or else set in your ways, perhaps you won’t have heard of such a method. Data-driven teaching can open the door to […]
We all like to think that studying comes naturally to some but is impossible for others " and our students are no exception. Whether it's looming exams, preparing for college, or moving up to high school, sharpening those study skills is key to getting your students through education. So if it's not all down to […]
According to educators across the USA, teaching middle school involves far more than simply bridging the gap between elementary and high school. In a time where students are learning to know themselves a little better " enjoying a little more new-found independence " it's no surprise that sometimes teaching this age group can be more […]
Suppose you're wondering how to enthuse your students and improve their grades. In that case, this article provides a brief overview of the importance of classroom engagement and 15 student engagement strategies to try today. According to an extensive and respected research project conducted several years ago, people who feel engaged in a task or […]
Education is integral to a child’s and a young adult’s life. Not only is it a stepping stone for the future, but it is also a significant foundation for the person they become. From their earliest years to their graduation, their school education is one of the most important experiences of their lives, with memories […]
Are you thinking about raising money for your classroom, school, or PTO? If so, you’ll need some top-school fundraising ideas to succeed. Although many teachers, administrators, and parents assume fundraising is a straightforward and simple process, it isn’t. Supporters constantly need new and inventive fundraising ideas that excite and inspire them to donate. So, if […]
Fundraising can be a difficult thing to get right. Although the aim is to make as much money as possible for a great cause, if people aren’t having fun, you have a big problem. After all, people won’t want to stick around and keep giving money if you’re providing a bad experience. That’s why it […]
Nurturing a positive classroom environment is important for teachers of all subjects and age groups. As well as making the overall learning experience more enjoyable will help students feel comfortable at school and make them more likely to take intellectual risks. Indeed, if you ignore the needs of your students and stick too closely to […]
For many educators, teaching descriptive language to your students can be a unique kind of challenge. Helping your class to learn how to write descriptively is key in providing them with new and exciting ways to express themselves, tell stories, and even create a description story that fulfills curriculum and state requirements. Read on to […]
It’s helpful to understand the different ways in which our bodies learn and develop. Medical and developmental professionals talk about gross motor skills regarding physical development. What are gross motor skills? These fundamental physical skills describe the large, intentional movements that involve moving the large groups of muscles in the legs, arms, and torso. What […]
As kids and teenagers grow older, they look toward the future. For many teens, this will mean going away to college or moving out and living independently. Moving out is a big step, and your child must be ready to live independently. It can sometimes be difficult to tell if your child is ready to […]
The concept of mindset is something we come across in fields such as education, skills development, and personal development. Different types of mindsets can achieve different results. A fixed mindset is likely to tell us we cannot achieve our goals or change, and it acts as a blocker. A growth mindset allows us to believe […]
When someone has sensory issues, one of the main steps people take in their treatment is using a series of exercises and experiences. This is where using a sensory diet plays an integral role in ensuring that people with sensory issues make the most of their lives. Find out more about what a sensory diet […]
The modern world can be a hectic, noisy, and fast-paced place to navigate. This can be especially true for people with certain conditions that make dealing with overwhelming situations tricky. Those with sensory processing issues often struggle to handle everything life throws at them. This happens because people who have problems with sensory processing worry […]
Tracking and monitoring your child's development is crucial for ensuring that they receive the support and guidance they need. This will allow you to alter and manipulate their at-home education in any way that they need based on any personal strengths and weaknesses they may be displaying. There are certain developmental milestones they should be […]
Almost all children crave sugar. However, if you have a child with ADHD, you may have noticed that the need for something sweet is more pronounced. If your child suffers from ADHD, paying extra attention to their sugar intake and managing the cravings to avoid future health problems is important. Here are some natural ways […]
Meta: Learn more about the life of Harriet Tubman, including some of the key events in her life and the legacy of the famous abolitionist and social activist. Modern America, and the Western world at large, are based on a few fundamental principles. Liberty, equality, and democracy. Throughout history, a few people have fought for […]
When it comes to kids, parents are often looking for ways to help their children grow and succeed. One way parents can do this is by helping their children learn about their strengths. Strengths can be identified by exploring what a child is already good at and their interests, passions, and personal preferences. In this […]
Psychodynamic therapy has been around for a long time and focuses on understanding the relationships between your thoughts, feelings, and behaviors. The effectiveness of this therapy has been evaluated by many researchers, accrediting it as a successful treatment for many disorders, including depression and anxiety. This article will cover the key benefits of psychodynamic therapy, […]
Despite how prevalent this mental health condition can be, the average person typically has very little knowledge of what PTSD is and how it affects adults and children. As a condition resulting from traumatic events that can occur at any time in someone’s life, it’s essential to understand the symptoms of PTSD. By knowing how […]
It's hard to believe, but the summer vacation is already ending. Many teachers are left wondering where those weeks have gone. Bizarrely enough, it's not just students who experience the dreaded back-to-school anxiety. While you may be passionate about teaching, it's normal to feel the jitters as the new school year gets closer. Here are […]
Depending on your perspective, summer vacation might feel like a million miles away or just a short amount of time to relative freedom. It's not only the students that look after a break from the classroom; we teachers also need a little time to unwind. While we still have plenty of obligations to fulfill over […]
You must get to know your students at the start of the year. Not only will this ensure a smooth beginning to lessons that will undeniably be awkward, but it will also create a mutual sense of respect and understanding from the get-go. Learning about your students also increases something called group cohesiveness. Group cohesion […]
In today's heated times, learning how to disagree politely with the viewpoint of another has never been more important. The respectful disagreement involves engaging with those who hold differing opinions from us, as opposed to outright dismissing them " or even worse " fanning the flames of anger or fear by being flippant or derogatory. […]
If you're an educator passionate about all teaching areas " not just in the classroom " then becoming an educational consultant might be an excellent choice. With more focus on the bigger picture, providing advice, and working as an 'edupreneur,' this role may seem entirely alien to some teachers. But this challenging role is unique […]
The purpose of phonics instruction is to help early readers to understand how sounds are linked to letters (phonemes). The idea is that students will begin to recognize the correspondence between the two and apply this to their reading knowledge. Phonics strategy can be implemented incidentally or systematically. Systematic phonics programs involve a sequential series […]
Whatever the terminology, these colleagues often go above and beyond the call of duty to support both teachers and students. Depending on the structure of the school you work in, you might have support workers known as one of the following: Teacher Aide Instructional Assistant Paraprofessional Education Assistant Teaching Assistant Teacher aides do amazing things […]
It’s time to take a look at our relationships with paraprofessionals. Instead of allowing an adversarial attitude with our aides and other classroom assistants, let’s start looking for ways to help each other and work more collaboratively. Here are several tips to help teachers and aides work more closely together and improve classroom outcomes. Remember […]
As new parents, your child's early years can be incredible and daunting. It's an exciting time watching them grow, discover and develop through exploration and discovery. Seeing them take in the world for the first time through new, dreaming eyes is one of the greatest joys of parenthood. But it's straightforward to get wrapped up […]
Overprotective parents are parents who display too much control over their child's behaviors and actions. Most overprotective parents are overprotective because they want to safeguard their children from harm and protect them from damaging influences. Still, overprotective parenting can negatively impact the child's physical and mental health and damage the parent-child relationship. What is overprotective […]
The age of 8 is an essential transformational period for a child, as it signals the start of middle childhood. The young child who once needed their parents for help with everyday tasks will no longer be as reliant as their mental, physical, and emotional growth soar. For many parents, having a more independent child […]
Many parents diagnosed with ADHD wonder if they can pass the condition on to their children. They fear their genetics will affect their child’s education and life outcomes. Unfortunately, recent research suggests that parents with ADHD are likelier to have children with the condition. Worse still, most of the risk of developing ADHD appears to […]
Grief is a normal reaction to the loss or death of a loved one and is something that virtually everyone experiences during their life. In most cases, the symptoms of grief will lessen over time as the grieving person begins to accept the situation and move on. However, for some people, these symptoms persist for […]
One of the top life skills anyone can learn is reading fluently. This is naturally true for children, and good reading skills can help them thrive at school and later in life. Although this might initially sound like something that can be hard to achieve for kids, it has been suggested that just 15 minutes […]
It's a common situation for any teacher. You're having trouble with a student's behavior, or they can't quite keep up with the rest of the class. But when we turn to their parents to provide information and insight, the phrase 'but my child would never' is all too familiar. After all, they behave like angels […]
For some parents, the sheer amount of options available for types of schools in the USA can be overwhelming. Similarly, for newly qualified teachers unsure of their future education plans, picking the school type they want to start with can be equally challenging. While options can be a good thing regarding children’s education, being informed […]
It may be difficult to consider, but even preschoolers will require discipline from time to time. When disciplining a 5-year-old, you must remain respectful of their growth and yearning for autonomy. When they want to be more independent, it can be difficult for them to master what they want to do, and this frustration often […]
Parent Resources
As children develop, many parents wonder whether their child is progressing as fast as their peers. While every child is an individual and not all children advance at the same pace, there are some significant milestones to watch out for. Doctors use these specific milestones to observe your child's development and whether they are where […]
Parenting a teenager is often quite difficult, especially as they navigate their emotions in a complex world, which could make them feel misunderstood or alone, resulting in frustration and conflict. Understanding how these disagreements emerge allows you to assess different situations and figure out how to address tension in a way that respects your child's […]
ADHD tics in kids are a common condition that can affect children, adolescents, and adults. It is a neurological disorder characterized by impulsivity, hyperactivity, and attention deficits. The symptoms of ADHD can also include tics, which are involuntary movements or vocalizations caused by the brain’s inability to regulate itself properly. This article examines the relationship […]
The ACE Quiz consists of 10 questions relating to the most common indicators of childhood traumatic experiences. The quiz is designed to be a practical, easy-to-apply indicator of how likely a person is to experience challenges in adulthood due to their early life. There are many more ACE factors than the 10 included. Still, the […]
Most parents look forward to taking time off from work in the summer to spend quality time with their kids. It offers them a chance to unwind and rest after a long year of school drop-offs, after-school clubs, and sports games. But for others, the summer break can be an anxious time, not just because […]
As any educator will know, many students struggle with behavior in school, and traditional punishment-based approaches do not always effectively teach them the skills they need to improve. The solution? PBIS, or positive behavioral interventions and supports. PBIS is a proactive approach used by schools to improve school safety and encourage positive behavior. Instead of […]
ADHD, or Attention Deficit Hyperactivity Disorder, is becoming increasingly researched. Increased research into the condition means that we now have a better understanding of what it is and how it can affect people who live with it. This understanding encompasses how ADHD can impact people differently and how we can help support anyone struggling. One […]
Attention Deficit Hyperactivity Disorder (ADHD) is a brain disorder that affects millions of children and adults in the United States. It can cause problems with attention, hyperactivity, or impulsivity. There are medications available to treat ADHD symptoms, but they also have side effects that may be just as problematic as the symptoms they’re meant to […]
When your child turns 9, you may feel like you have a little adult on your hands. While it seems only yesterday that they were taking their first steps, your little one is now growing physically and intelligently toward their teen years. This sudden spurt of growth in every aspect might leave you as parents […]
Going through an event that's very stressful or scary can be traumatic and have a lasting emotional effect as a consequence. In some cases, someone can overcome these feelings on their own or with the support of others. However, it can be more difficult to deal with for many people. A traumatic event can often […]
At the important age of 2, you’ll begin to see major and regular changes in your child. Your baby is finally starting to develop into a little person of their own, wanting to explore and learn about the world more. This is a big year of play and discovery for your 2-year-old, so it is […]
Analysis paralysis is a term used to refer to overthinking choices that can lead to difficulty in making decisions. This can frequently become a challenge, especially for those with ADHD. Decision-making commonly poses difficulty for those with ADHD as it demands skills that those with it may struggle with. Read on to find out more […]
When looking after your child, you might notice the occasional tantrum. This is normal, but more extreme outbursts could signify wider behavioral problems in a young person. By keeping track of and understanding childhood anger, you can start to understand the source of these problems and work towards a solution that ends in better behavior […]
Developmental coordination disorder, commonly abbreviated to DCD, is a neurodevelopmental condition known as dyspraxia. It predominantly affects the development of motor skills and functions in children. Developmental coordination disorder is fairly common, with nearly 6 percent of young people affected by the condition. In our latest article, we look deeper into developmental coordination disorders, the […]
Within families, sibling rivalry can start before the second child is born and can last a lifetime. It is important for parents to diffuse rivalry when possible through intervention and praise. The cause of the conflict The first step towards solving the issue of sibling fights is to find the cause of the fights. Younger […]
Hyperfocus is one of the lesser-known traits of children and adults with attention-deficit hyperactivity disorder (ADHD) and other forms of neurodivergence. This intense focus on a single subject or activity can be challenging for the person and those around them, but is it always a negative attribute? We explore autism spectrum disorder (ASD). Hyperfocus does […]
Everyone has needs, regardless of who they are, what they do, and their past. Understanding these needs means we can meet them, make the most of all the opportunities we have, and maximize our potential. One of the leading models for understanding human needs is Maslow’s Hierarchy of Needs. Learn more about what Maslow’s Hierarchy […]
Eating disorders can be far more complex conditions than many realize. The seriousness of eating disorders cannot be overstated, nor can the inextricable link with a person's mental health. An eating disorder is not a diet or a choice that has been made with a healthy physical goal in mind. It is, instead, a multifaceted […]
Milestones are integral to tracking a baby’s process as they grow, learn and develop. By setting defined times when children should be showing certain behaviors or taking specific actions, it’s easier for parents and medical professionals to spot any delays or problems with normal development. According to the CDC, it’s essential to follow these milestones […]
It is universally accepted that Attention Deficit Disorder (ADD) is a genetic, biochemical disorder caused by deficits in two specific neurotransmitters that are believed to be responsible for facilitating attention within the brain and are known to run in families. Unfortunately, gaining consensus among healthcare professionals on the exact criteria for ADD and the most […]
Preschool is when the whole of your learning life is ahead of you " from math to science to arts and history. Teaching students the joy, and functionality, of literacy skills using preschool activities is an excellent place to start. We've rounded up some of the best literacy activities for preschoolers to give them the […]
It is never too early to begin promoting reading and literacy skills in children. Babies are already born with the ability to process language. As they grow and develop, they become aware of the language around them and begin to use it themselves. Early literacy is important because the sooner parents start building an understanding […]
Many parents view school as the place to learn and the home as the place to play. With parents pushing for their children to be more academically successful or ahead of the curve year-on-year, the environment provided to preschool children is more education-focused than ever before. Parents providing children with: Enrichment classes Additional lessons Music […]
An effective blueprint for early childhood will be a flexible and adaptive document that changes as new knowledge is gleaned through experience and practice. When building your district’s blueprint, don’t be shy about borrowing practices from other districts with proven results. Impact Areas Without success in these four impact areas, most early childhood blueprints will […]
Once you become a teacher, the next step is choosing at which level you will work. Let’s take a look at some compelling reasons that preschool teachers give for choosing, and enjoying, teaching at this level. There are a lot of great reasons to choose to become a preschool teacher. Let’s take a look at […]
For teachers, creating a high-quality custom resume can mean the difference between being passed over for that next perfect position and getting your dream job the first time. With preschool a more competitive field than most, especially compared to educators going into high school or college environments, it's even more important to make a great […]
Schools are places of learning and discovery. But let’s be realistic — they’re also germ factories. When you have a bunch of little kids who might not yet have learned how to reduce cold and flu transmission, you are at high risk of catching whatever is happening around the classroom. Even teachers of older students […]
Sometimes we don’t take much notice of our child’s manners (or lack thereof) until we see them interacting with people outside of the family unit. Sometimes when you are with your children in a social setting, you will be aghast at their lack of manners, and at other times, they will do you proud! There […]
Name shaming is a real phenomenon in which you judge someone – usually in a negative way, and often in a racist-stereotype way – based on their name. And unfortunately, a lot of teachers do this to students. People who name shame may do it for several reasons; some do it unconsciously, while others do […]
For teachers and educators who invest in their students by putting supplies back into their classrooms, the Educator Expense Deduction is designed for you. This unique deduction is also created for educators who aim to improve their skills through unpaid classes or courses by their employer. Devised as a way for academic administrators and teachers […]
The funds in your tax-deductible investment account will help to secure your retirement. Most teachers are offered a 403b or 457b retirement plan, so it’s important to compare them. This will allow you to determine which is better for you. These plans will allow you to make contributions before paying income taxes. Even if you […]
While lying is often seen as a negative action that deserves punishment, it is simply a fact that many children lie regularly. As soon as kids learn the power of untruths, they will use them as a tool to serve several ends. This could include making up an excuse as to why they have failed […]
Everyone knows that being a teacher can be a tough gig at times. That’s why supporting your teacher is important. Their days are often long because their evenings are spent planning lessons and marking tests, and many have to deal with poorly disciplined pupils. What's more, teachers are used to getting on with their work […]
As any hard-working school principal will know, the average school day can be stressful, exhausting, challenging, and often doesn't end until well into the evening. While the length of a school day is enough to make anyone weak and exhausted, a principal's job can be uniquely draining, thanks to its demands on mental energy. Every […]
Private School
The NEA states, 'More money for schools means better student outcomes." And that’s why we built Classful.com, to help schools and teachers get the funding they deserve! What if you could empower teachers to make meaningful connections with students in your school? The difference between an engaged student excited about their future and a child […]
Choosing the right educational path for your child is critical to their well-being and future. Of course, whether your child goes to public school or is homeschooled will also significantly impact your family unit. All parents want to do the best for their children but deciding which schooling is best can be difficult. For many […]
Professional Development
When a young person's education is coming to a close, ensuring that their learning experiences culminate in an effective outcome is necessary. These events and experiences close the academic program in a way that cements the knowledge for years to come, improving academic prospects for the foreseeable future. This is where a capstone project is […]
Enhancing your skills is important in any career path but setting professional goals for teachers is particularly important. Teaching is fast-paced, and you may often work in a chaotic environment. With so many demands on your time, it's easy to get caught up in the day-to-day requirements of your job. While everyday tasks often seem […]
Depending on your experience, history, and behavior knowledge, small issues can quickly expand to more significant problems if left unchecked, according to expert Dona Matthews. But teaching methods in the classroom, including classroom routines, is an excellent way to ensure your class runs smoothly " without any bumps in the road. A list of 35 […]
All teachers will know the sinking feeling that comes when a class is inexplicably rowdy and restless. Occasionally, an entire class will forget their usual sense of decorum and rile their anger up to its very limits. On rare occasions, discipline problems can become chronic, and teachers will find that their students are running the […]
For any classroom, having a classroom management place can make all the difference, and how to write a classroom management philosophy is a challenge. But before you start putting your plans down on paper, the first step of the process should be to understand your beliefs about how a classroom should be run. While, in […]
If you are looking for ways to become more productive as a teacher, you’ve come to the right place! Let’s take a moment to review some ways to get the most out of our teaching hours and hopefully feel less overwhelmed and stressed. Try to make sure that you are at least doing these things: […]
Asking questions is a key part of most teachers’ academic style, and such methods must be employed to benefit all students. One such method is using what is known as Higher Order Thinking Questions. It is important that, in contrast to a regular question asking, all students must answer the questions. In regular lessons, the […]
Inclusion has been deemed an effective model, and more and more schools are adopting this teaching method. If you are new to inclusion and are just starting to navigate the co-teaching landscape, you may have several questions. Before the new year begins, this period is ideal for reviewing effective co-teaching models. These models require a […]
It can be easy to think of teaching as passing on skills to others. But to be successful as an educator, it's just as important for teachers to have the right skills to help their students succeed. After all, if you're the primary person supporting those students through education, you want to give them the […]
Even if you haven't taken a history class, you will still be likely to have heard some Greek myth or a reference to one at some point in your life " even if you don't know it. Ancient Greek mythology comprises stories and tales about the gods and goddesses worshiped by the Ancient Greeks as […]
Teaching summarizing is a key part of effective teaching. If you are a teacher wondering how to teach summarizing to your students, keep reading. This article will review summarizing activities that make teaching summarizing successful for students and teachers. Summarizing is an important part of helping students to understand better the material that is being […]
No matter what grade you teach, Blabberize can be a serious or fun way to get your students to learn the required content. What is Blabberize? We hear you ask. Fear not. Read on to discover everything there is to know about Blabberize and how it can be integrated into your everyday classroom life. What […]
An essential teaching technique and an excellent way to connect with your students, utilizing anticipatory sets can be invaluable to educators. By filling in the blanks, providing insight, and engaging students from the off, it's far more likely you'll get more from them in school. An anticipatory set provides that primed and prepared atmosphere, using […]
Constitution Day observes and celebrates the enactment of the United States Constitution, written in 1787 and signed on September 17th. Here we consider the history and details and suggest 22 Constitution Day activities (for elementary & middle school students). History of Constitution Day The Framers of the Constitution included James Madison (chief drafter), Benjamin Franklin, […]
Classroom jobs for students… Teaching can cause a lot of stressful moments, some of which are totally out of your control. However, there are a few strategies that you can employ to make your day run more smoothly. Now that you are a month or so into the new school year and everyone is settling […]
As teachers, we know now more than ever that STEM skills are essential to provide children with the tools to succeed in the future. In the classroom, teachers can help their students to develop the valuable, diverse abilities they need to develop passion and interest in STEM fields. But the skills required to succeed in […]
Picking up supplies for the classroom can be an enjoyable or stressful experience, depending on how long you've left it before the new term starts. But for any teacher, taking the time to get inspired and find goodies that are the perfect fit for your classroom can make all the difference, especially when it comes […]
Many methods and techniques are designed to add a little bit more excitement and interest to the classroom. Improv is one of those skills. Not just suitable for comedy acts or drama class, improv can be a valuable tool for students when it comes to a whole host of skills, including: Creative thinking Problem-solving Empathetic […]
The lessons we learn early in life are most often the ones we carry through our lifetimes. That’s why it is important to allow children to be creative while we help build their self-esteem. This is why we should teach children to be strong There is a lot of evidence to suggest that those formative […]
Public School
You've likely heard more in recent years about homeschooling, but have you heard about unschooling? It is a cultural concept similar in some ways to homeschooling yet allows for even greater freedom and choice for the learners. What is unschooling? Unschoolers are encouraged to find their topics of interest and actively research ways to learn […]
The schwa is standard English’s most common vowel sound, yet it's also one of the most confusing and misunderstood concepts. This article outlines what schwa is, provides some examples, and discusses how to teach the schwa sound. What is schwa? A schwa is a vowel sound present in an unstressed syllable. It occurs when the […]
For those who don’t know, when we speak about colonial America, we refer to the English colonies located along the Eastern seaboard. The story is important and demonstrates how they came together to form the United States of America. Read on to find out more about this important historical event. The expansion of English colonialism […]
A totalitarian leadership is a type of government system designed to prohibit any potential opposition parties, resulting in a very high degree of control over all aspects of the citizens' life. Despite totalitarian-style dictatorships being around for thousands of years, this utopian style of leadership was experienced by many countries with the ideas of fascism, […]
Reading and literacy are some of the most fundamental skills you can instill in a child. It is crucial for their comprehensive and cognitive development and will set them up for life. The ability to read and write has become a vastly important skill for everyone across all societal, educational, and career development fields. It's […]
Whether you work in a school or an employer, you’re bound to encounter someone whose spelling is not up to scratch. If this is the case, you might have become frustrated with their performance, failing to understand how to support their needs and even forcing yourself to take measures that might not have been kind […]
With so many books available, there is an endless list of potential titles, making it hard to spot those must-read books that should not be missed. If you are searching for brilliant books that should be read in your lifetime, this round-up of the top 35 essential books will ensure your bookcase is well stocked. […]
As a teacher, something you often use in the classroom is likely a context clue. Students will frequently encounter context clues in texts, and you may prompt them to use these to work out what a word or phrase means. Using context clues is an excellent way for learners to understand more complex and varied […]
Inquisitive young students love creative and engaging environments. Introducing an imaginative, safe, and colorful reading corner to your classroom will accelerate learning, encourage questions and facilitate positive feelings toward books. Our themed ideas will help you create exciting displays, cozy spaces, and whimsical corners that will foster a love of literature from the early days. […]
With so much technology and entertainment-focused toys and gadgets available for children, it's no wonder that fewer children are reading than ever before. After all, there are far more exciting and interesting things to play with than books. But for any child, the chance to use their imagination " and genuinely enjoy reading " is […]
What is Lexia Core5 Reading (Targeted Practice & Instruction)? It is a comprehensive, technology-based literacy program for students at all levels. Lexia Core5 Reading can help and extend learning for children who are advanced readers and writers. It can also accelerate and assist learning for struggling students within those areas. The lessons, presentations, and approaches […]
PLOP, PLAAFP, and PLP are different acronyms used by different districts or states to discuss the current level of a child’s academic achievement. They help to indicate the functional performance of students. When are these used? Regarding IEP and Individualized Educations Program, the team working with your child will need to update this plan each […]
The holidays mean great fun for all the family, but this can also be tiring. Coming up with enough ideas to keep the kids busy is tough, but you can do many things to keep your little ones entertained. One of the best ways to keep your kids busy, help them build up critical thinking […]
When you think of secondary education, you likely think of the United States of America’s perspective on secondary learning. This means understanding the American high school system and all of the educational opportunities that people have within it. However, secondary education is an internationally recognized term and varies in nature all around the world. Learn […]
Teacher dress codes can be somewhat of a mystery. Some schools require that teachers follow certain dress codes, while others allow teachers to dress however they please. This article aims to help you get clear on teachers' dress codes, so you have one less thing to worry about before you step into the classroom. Why […]
Since our training, it's been instilled in us teachers that homework is a vital part of our student's education. It provides further learning, helps kids to pass certain milestones, and can even be a measure of knowledge retention in the right circumstances. But more teachers are asking: is homework beneficial or necessary? Homework statistics might […]
Learning to read is one of the biggest milestones of any child's educational journey. However, once an adequate literacy level has been attained, many children find themselves unwilling or unable to sustain a vibrant and fulfilling passion for reading. While reading was once a common hobby for kids in their spare time, the advent of […]
When people think of careers in education, they often assume teaching is the only option. While teaching is certainly an important and rewarding career, there are plenty of alternative roles within the industry. The education sector hires many professionals, from security officers and administrative personnel to social workers and catering staff. With varying skills required, […]
Educational leadership is a process that helps to manage academics and improve the overall quality of education, but it’s also much more than that. Any complete educational leadership definition should look at the process’s short- and long-term goals and how this process can impact teachers, the level of education they offer, and the educational institution […]
If you're a teacher who likes inspiring and motivating your students through a classroom reward system, then you probably know all the benefits of positive reinforcement. Implementing rewards for good behavior is an excellent way to ensure that being 'good' is just as acknowledged as being 'bad' " which is especially vital for younger students […]
Medical emergencies like a cardiac arrest can happen to anyone anywhere, including in the classroom environment. Cardiopulmonary resuscitation, also called CPR, is an emergency life-saving procedure involving chest compression and rescue breathing to save cardiac arrest victims. While CPR will likely not restart the victim's heart, it will most certainly buy time while awaiting the […]
School Funding
Soccer teams are great for team-building, socializing, and exercise. But every soccer parent knows the costs can add up: practice gear, jerseys, and travel expenses, to name a few. Plus, many coaches and assistants volunteer their time or are paid very little for running the team that supports so many, so wouldn’t it be nice […]
At Classful, we are always looking for ways to help teachers and schools obtain the necessary resources to provide an exceptional learning experience. We aim to make a positive difference in the classroom, from offering fantastic resources made by teachers for teachers to creating a transparent platform that helps educators receive funding where they need […]
Often, fundraisers will be needed to make up the gap between funds from regular sources and the funds needed to conduct desired activities any time school is in session. In many cases, school budgeting is so tight that fundraisers are an absolute must, or programs like sports, music, and fine arts cannot be carried out. […]
Do you want to raise funds for your Greek organization? If so, you need inspiration for new and creative fundraising methods. Fraternity fundraising is an ongoing effort in most colleges and universities as it raises money for philanthropic activities and other operating costs. Unfortunately, raising funds for your fraternity isn't as easy as it seems. […]
As a long-time popular sport for adults and students alike, tennis is ideal for those who prefer no-contact competitive sports. As an excellent opportunity for talented students to succeed in non-team sporting environments, many colleges and schools across the US have a competitive tennis team. Whether you’re a tennis team member, a coach, or an […]
Softball teams teach girls and young women the value of teamwork and perseverance along with being good old-fashioned exercise. But sometimes, these lessons aren't free: Softball team members incur expenses for gear like bats, balls, padding, helmets, jerseys, and travel " among many other things. Coaches are often volunteers, and they and others often spend […]
School golf club teams face numerous challenges, including the lack of funds. Unfortunately, most schools don't set aside enough money for golf tournaments, championships, or trips, forcing golf club members to raise money alone. You can use numerous strategies and ideas to raise money for your golf club. Whether you want to buy new sports […]
Track and field teams in high and middle schools need to raise an ever-increasing amount of money to cover operation costs. While some schools fund their track teams, the money allocated is never enough to cover all expenses. Here's where track fundraising comes in. Your track team can raise significant amounts with a reliable fundraising […]
With a focus on education, leadership, and academic accomplishments, Future Business Leaders of America-Phi Beta Lambda is a worthwhile organization for any school or college to invest time and money into. With the goals of supporting students from different walks of life into happy, successful careers in business, membership in FBLA can provide a host […]
Every year, local leagues around the country implement fundraising ideas to help raise money to support their operations. Unfortunately, these fundraisers often fail as they don’t raise enough money to fund Little Leagues. If your Little League has difficulty raising money, you’re probably making costly mistakes, such as using the same old strategies. Supporters constantly […]
School Supplies
Private school fundraising is essential for independent schools as it covers the costs of offering a well-rounded education. Generally, tuition only covers about 85% of costs, forcing private schools to seek other sources to fund students, teachers, and authentic learning experiences. Unfortunately, like any other fundraising, private school fundraising needs careful planning and consideration to […]
Looking for ways to show a teacher that you appreciate them? Here are the top ten ways you can help a teacher today! 1. Classroom Supplies Pencils, pens, paper, folders…and colored pencils, erasable markers, highlighters, modeling clay, small plastic cubes exactly one centimeter wide, cardboard tubes of any possible size, and a partridge in a […]
There are various ways to help teachers financially, with Classful becoming one of the most popular. Many prospective donors wonder how exactly their donations will be used. Let’s take a moment to review how I, as a teacher, will use the funds I have received via Classful. First of all, let me say that Classful […]
While the use of mobile phones in class might once have been frowned upon, advancements in technology have meant that smartphone/tablet technology can now be useful for making education more interactive or exciting. The benefits of using technology in the classroom include the following: Independent learning is encouraged Student engagement is improved Life skills are […]
The beginning of the new school year can be exciting and stressful for teachers and students. From arranging classroom furniture to consolidating reading lists, there is plenty to get on with after the summer break. Indeed, with so much to think about, it can be easy for teachers to forget to complete essential tasks, regardless […]
Teacher Appreciation Week and Day is fast approaching, so what better time to reach out to your local community and receive some well-deserved support? It might not be something your students think about every day, but they’ll often be more appreciative of your impact on their development than you realize. Donations for Teachers (Teacher Appreciation […]
Happy Teacher Appreciation Week! After a great start to the week, let’s ensure we keep showing our appreciation for teachers everywhere and finish the week with a bang! This Teacher Appreciation Week, ensure you show your gratitude to the teachers in your local community, whether they teach your child or not. Fund, a teacher you […]
The Claim-Evidence-Reasoning method (CER) is an analytical technique that helps students develop their critical thinking and writing skills. Although CER has gained some resurgence in recent years due to its effectiveness in nourishing the reasoning abilities of young learners, it is an old method with deep connections. How old? According to some sources, as old […]
With STEM-related roles required in almost every industry, the career opportunities for students specializing in STEM teaching subjects are limitless. STEM is a well-known acronym for Science, Technology, Engineering, and Math and may also refer to other subjects within these academic branches. What is STEM? Numerous disciplines fall into the broad category of STEM, and […]
Social Studies
The American Civil War was a brutal conflict that saw neighbors, families, and friends fight against one another. It was a particularly bloody war that led to the death of thousands and a young country being torn apart from the inside. Although the Civil War is seen as a brutal conflict, one particular battle was […]
Are you interested in becoming a social studies teacher? The Merriam-Webster Dictionary defines social studies as a part of a school or college curriculum concerned with the study of social relationships and the functioning of society. General social studies can, therefore, be seen as a class that begins to build foundations of understanding that students […]
Special Education
When someone with a disability goes into education, there can be some concerns about how they integrate into the classroom. After all, whether it’s a physical or psychological disability, there are some cases in which it’s hard to be around fully able students. This is where the principle of least restrictive environment is useful. Find […]
Keeping control of a class is essential to being able to convey information and facilitate learning. One of the best ways to gain control of a class is to have a lesson plan in place. This is even more important to pay attention to when teaching special education students. Setting objectives and techniques to help […]
People have become increasingly dependent on technology, and some benefits exist, especially concerning children with special needs. Special education apps are useful tools both in a classroom setting and at home. One struggle many children with special needs have is the inability to communicate their needs, wants, and feelings. Using apps can help students with […]
Recognizing when students struggle in class is not as easy as it sounds. Indeed, a student may appear to be perfectly attentive and happy in class, which can mask the fact that their grades are slowly slipping downwards. Low academic performance can result from many factors, including family issues, bullying, or simply an unwillingness to […]
For most students, unconventional behavior is linked to academic struggles. Generally, this type of behavior includes being withdrawn, disrupting class, or merely avoiding school attendance. This article covers Functional Behavior Assessment (FBA): The Basics. What is Functional Behavior Assessment? Functional Behavior Assessment is a behavior evaluation used to identify the cause(s) of a student’s behavior […]
Pivotal Response Treatment, abbreviated PRT, is a common autism behavioral therapy. It is predominantly used to treat children but can benefit all age groups. What is PRT Pivotal Response Training? One standout feature of this therapy is that the participant generally takes the lead instead of the therapist. Additionally, the therapy is centered around play. […]
Whether you're a special needs educator or teaching autistic children in a typical classroom, teaching students with autism can be more of a challenge than many expect. With so many different varieties, types, and forms of diagnosis within the autism spectrum, what works for one student might not work for the next. These ten tips […]
Every parent and educator believes that each child deserves a good education. So does the U.S. Department of Education (DOE), a federal-level organization creating educational policies like Section 504. It ensures that kids with disabilities have the right to seek help in conquering academic learning hurdles throughout the nation’s public school systems. As a federal […]
Unlike preschool, kindergarten students are a bit more developed and can interact with each other and with you at a higher level. There are still a lot of challenges that come with teaching kindergarten, but many teachers wouldn’t trade it for the world! Let’s take a closer look at what it’s like to teach kindergarten […]
Dyslexia is a common learning disorder characterized by reading difficulties. Despite its relatively high prevalence, many children with dyslexia can feel embarrassed or frustrated when they have trouble reading. Sometimes, this can lead to delayed diagnosis and impact a child's grades. So, what can teachers do to help? The first thing to do is read […]
Basketball fundraising is the stuff of Hollywood movies. We’ve all seen this plot before: a team of spunky, driven students and their supportive coach want to join a regional or national championship, but they lack the necessary funding to achieve their goals. While you might think this scenario can only be found on the silver […]
Revising and reviewing the material you have taught your students during a module, course, or semester is vital in preparing them for assignments and tests. It can, however, feel a little tedious and boring going over topics that have already been covered. Fortunately, methods are available to help you motivate students and ensure they possess […]
The Every Student Succeeds Act is a comprehensive legislation that governs K-12 public education in the United States. It was enacted to replace the No Child Left Behind Act and to ensure that all children receive a high-quality education. What is the Every Student Succeeds Act? First, let’s understand the No Child Left Behind Act. […]
Receptive language disorder occurs when someone doesn't understand what another person is trying to say. It is a disorder that makes it difficult to communicate. Someone who has this will have trouble understanding the meaning of words and language, leading to responses that don't entirely make sense. However, this is not due to a lack […]
Motivation is at the forefront of everything that we do. It drives us to try, achieve, wonder, and innovate. It instigates the change we see in the world. The intrinsic desire and motivation to discover and understand the world around us begin in infancy. In our earliest years, we begin wondering and exploring, and that […]
You may or may not have heard of the Science Spot as a middle school teacher. So, what is the Science Spot (Grades 6-8 focused), and how could it benefit you and your students? Below we explore everything you need to know about Science Spot and highlight particular website features that may be useful. Who […]
From kindergarteners to older students, there's nothing quite like a good 'would you rather question to provide entertainment and get those cogs turning. Whether it's a warm-up activity at the start of class, the chance for a brief writing exercise, or just a way to end the day, these questions for students are sure to […]
The act of writing down what you hear in class shouldn’t seem revolutionary, but for many students, handwritten note-taking is no longer a normal activity during class. While students generally still take notes at least some of the time, often on a laptop, more students have started simply listening to lectures and following along in […]
School discipline can be valuable when managing students with behavioral issues or just children needing extra guidance. No teacher likes undertaking discipline issues in schools" and even fewer enjoy speaking to parents about negative behavior or handing out consequences to students still learning how to cope in an increasingly rules-led world. But despite all those […]
Many people ask. Among educators, the term student agency is often used to describe a specific teaching style and method related to students and what they are permitted to do, but there is much more to the concept. Usually associated with those teachers who practice personalized learning, student agency refers to a curriculum developed for […]
First of all. Short attention spans are part of a normal learning process for young children and students. At home, parents can help teach students how to stay focused by keeping kids engaged and avoiding learning distractions. And there is a lot that teachers can do, too. In this article, you can learn ways to […]
Getting to know students is an important part of any teacher's role. As well as ensuring that student’s special needs and requirements are taken care of, the process of learning about their lives and idiosyncrasies is a good way of building a strong relationship of mutual trust that will encourage students to take academic risks […]
Student Resources
One of the most common complaints parents have is about the lack of communication with their children and teachers. As a teacher, this can be frustrating. There are only so many letters and emails that can be sent, and many of these are ignored or forgotten, leaving teachers at a loss for improving communication with […]
For some students, reading is enjoyable and exciting. But for others, developing their skills and progress in reading can be a real challenge. This is especially true for students that don't get reading time at home, leading to them quickly falling behind their classmates. CommonLit (Free Online Reading Program) is a tool that helps students […]
Do you notice a student struggling? An intervention may be needed if their grades are falling or their behavior is becoming increasingly worse. Intervening with a child can be a daunting prospect. Still, thankfully, websites like Intervention Central can provide you with support and resources to help guide you and your students down a successful […]
It’s no secret that times are tough right now. During these economically unstable times, schools and colleges are often impacted markedly. Culturally and socially significant groups like varsity teams are vital for the health and well-being of individuals and for college institutions to continue to flourish. However, budgets rarely stretch to cover everything these teams […]
Before you can teach your students particular topics and concepts, you must ensure they have effective study skills. Surprisingly, many students have never been actively taught study techniques. While teachers always focus on the content that needs to be acquired, sometimes too little time is spent teaching students essential study strategies. Read on for 8 […]
Most kids enjoy bowling. The sights, sounds, and activities in a bowling alley are engaging and fun. Have you heard about the Kids Bowl Free (KBF) program? It delivers just what the name says — Kids Bowl Free (Yes!), and it's offered all over the country in both the United States and Canada. What could […]
No one ever wants their child to have discipline problems at school. And the last thing you want is a call from the school administrator informing you that your youngster has been suspended from school. When this call comes through, do not panic. Rather, act swiftly to ensure that your child's suspension becomes an important […]
Early action (EA) and early decision (ED) plans can benefit students. However, only to those students who have considered their college options carefully and have a clear preference in mind. What are the pros and cons of applying early? Parents, teachers, and students should use this information to ensure they know all the required steps […]
Transferring from primary school to middle school is a big step that can intimidate your child. When my child made this move, he had many questions about the process. I didn’t have the answers for him… Transition Your Child into Middle School This is a transition you will have to prepare in advance, so you’ll […]
Disabled children require special provisions to have a productive learning environment. To help students with Down syndrome succeed in the classroom, teachers must have the right skills and proper teaching resources to achieve positive results. Students with Down Syndrome in the classroom They can learn and excel in the classroom with the right conditions and […]
Teachers play a crucial role in society and are real heroes for their work in educating our children. From showing younger pupils the joy of reading to educating older ones on a range of more advanced topics, the importance of teachers cannot be overstated. Luckily for those in this profession, many companies recognize their importance […]
For many children learning while sitting still is a challenge, and they often become distracted or uninterested in the task. Sensory maps are a great way to get children to interact with the learning material by allowing them to move around and engage in an educational activity. Here's all you need to know about sensory […]
When it comes to getting students ready for exam periods, it’s easy to feel overwhelmed. Not all students know the best way to study, and the constant pressure of memorizing facts and figures can be overwhelming for them (and you). The good news is that there are plenty of ways you can guide students so […]
Although the classic classroom teaching style is synchronous, you might have heard of asynchronous learning used to describe forms of education but never known what it truly means. This newly popular class style became well-known after the pandemic and has been extensively used in schools, universities, and online. This article will clear up any unfamiliarity […]
Teachers are a special breed of human. They provide inspiration and motivation to their students, but they also serve as invaluable resources whenever they need help. 5 roles that a teacher must fill Here are five roles teachers must fill if they want to be great leaders in the educational system. 1. Resource provider Important […]
Teacher development is a lifelong journey. Our profession is constantly looking for ways to improve the classroom experience while adapting to the world around us as it changes. And with so many aspects of teaching to choose from, it can be overwhelming to find the best books that will help encourage us and fill us […]
Unfortunately, it’s unlikely that you’ll be able to do everything with your students that you want to do during the school year, which is likely to be a significant source of disappointment for teachers who are just starting. You will probably need to choose which activities to include in your lesson plans, so you must […]
Being a teacher is already a challenging job, but the added dimension of being a male teacher can make it tougher for recruits to the education field. While teaching was once considered a female-dominated profession, there are now plenty of men entering the profession, enticed by the prospect of making a difference in kids’ lives […]
The end of the school year can be a tough time for teachers. Although important tests and assignments may be over, the stress experienced over previous months tends to catch up with us as soon as we take our feet off the accelerator. If you feel worn down at the end of the school year, […]
Teacher Appreciation
Any career with a lot of personal interaction can take a high emotional toll. Teachers often have to deal with students who have troubled home lives, severe illnesses, or other personal issues that can tug at the heartstrings. Sometimes you won’t be able to do anything to help your students in certain situations, a reality […]
When explaining the role that teachers provide, metaphors for teaching are an effective tool to help illustrate the point. Teachers’ metaphors can help students better grasp teachers’ roles in their lives. In addition to the teachers’ metaphors, using these examples is helpful for students learning about metaphors. Let’s look at a couple of the most […]
As any seasoned teacher knows, a well-stocked survival kit is a must. We’re not compensated for the following list. It’s a list we believe is a must! While you may be able to get through most days easily, there will come a day when you spill coffee all over a crisp new shirt, desperately need […]
When it comes to teacher appreciation, many parents are racking their brains to come up with a good idea to celebrate the one week of the year when teachers get all the recognition for their hard work. After all, they play a significant role in raising our children, providing them with the education, skills, and […]
Teacher Funding
Providing kids with the funds and means needed for an excellent education is a worthy goal. Fundraising is one of the best ways parents and communities can contribute to education. Whether for the ongoing support of an amazing teacher or donations for a lifetime trip, Classful is here to support your fundraising goals and cheer […]
Teacher Resources
Our teen years are undoubtedly an anxiety-inducing time, no matter your situation. Not only do you have to contend with a wave of new and confusing hormones, but how we view the world (and our place in it) also changes rapidly. If you are worried about whether your teenage child is suffering from anxiety, you […]
While Bipolar Disorder has long been established as a mental health condition, it is in the last few decades that it has become widely known by the public. This is mainly due to public figures and celebrities being more willing to share their experiences and diagnosis. That being said, people are less well-versed in the […]
Cognitive behavioral therapy, or CBT, is a widespread psychological treatment administered by therapists and professionals. The practice of cognitive behavioral therapy is different from other forms of psychological therapy in that the focus is not on the individual’s past but on their current day-to-day life and the coping mechanisms they might need to access to […]
In the classroom, no two students are quite the same. That's why it pays for teachers to tailor their approach to students to suit their learning style and help them meet their full potential. While some students may be able to grasp subjects immediately, it can take a little more time for others. Especially in […]
Using various teaching methods can give your students the best learning experience. If you're wondering, ‘what is the Jigsaw Strategy?’ you'll be excited to learn about an innovative, new teaching method. How can the Jigsaw teaching strategy be used? The Jigsaw teaching strategy can be used in any classroom to increase collaboration and independent responsibility. […]
Spreading joy in your classroom can sometimes feel like a losing battle. On those days when kids act up, assignments fall well below standards, and your classroom supplies seem to disappear magically, joy is the last thing on your mind. However, actively trying to spread happiness can sometimes make these days feel much less stressful […]
Sometimes, a break is exactly what's needed to get your class back on track. It's been scientifically proven that a break in learning and 'doing' can make all the difference to how our minds process things, and brain breaks for kids are no exception. According to Amanda Morin of Understood, improving focus, enhancing concentration, and […]
Ever wondered what is “digital literacy,” and why it matters? Although the definition varies greatly depending on one’s sources, it encompasses more than just reading from a computer screen and writing with a keyboard. What Is Digital Literacy? With the advent of new computing devices, social media platforms, and cutting-edge technologies like virtual and augmented […]
The Power of Yet has become synonymous with learning. Each year students enter classrooms filled with mixed mindsets. Some are eager to learn, while others remain a bit uncertain. What’s impressive about this concept is how quickly students associate with its purpose. But what is The Power of Yet? The Power of Yet is a […]
Undeniably, being a teacher causes immeasurable amounts of stress on some days. You have several classes of potentially grumpy children and hormonal teenagers to manage every day, teetering piles of homework to mark, lessons to plan, and somehow have to fit in your normal life around that. Despite that, the results are hugely rewarding – […]
When parents support their kids’ teachers, the learning benefits are undeniable. This relationship becomes a shared source of a child’s learning challenges, difficulties, and solutions. It is a bond built on educational foundations to help navigate and motivate kids to learn. Teaching requires specific skills, education, creativity, and communication. On any given day " your […]
Did you know that 94% of US teachers spend their money on school supplies? Every day, educators across the country demonstrate amazing acts of selflessness, pouring time, money, and effort into ensuring that young people receive a good education. If you know a teacher passionate about their student’s well-being and education, you can bet your […]
While teaching can be a rewarding and life-affirming profession, educators sometimes feel frustrated when schools are unable or unwilling to fund the provision of new technologies, teaching supplies, or training programs for staff. Indeed, it can be easy to forget the importance of proper school funding. Even the most talented teachers find their jobs difficult […]
Let me, please introduce myself, and I am a teacher. I’m here today to talk to you about your helicopter antics and micromanagement of your child’s educational experience. It shouldn’t come as news to you that I care quite a bit about your child and ensuring they receive the education they need. I understand how […]
Anyone considering donating to a teacher may wonder just how much of an impact their donation can provide. Whether you’re a parent or business or friend, or family member, you may be surprised to learn how much money teachers contribute to keeping their classrooms functioning. These funds come from their already small salaries, and many […]
Starting a new school year can come with a lot of stress. Yes, a lot. Peruse these tips to reduce classroom stress or teacher burnout and make school awesome! 1. Bell work The increased intensity of many curricula means that instead of taking the first few minutes of class to take attendance and let students […]
Donors Choose and Classful are popular websites that allow individuals and businesses to donate to teachers and school-based projects of their liking. The funding can be used for anything from new textbooks to an important field trip and everything in between. Before we dive in, the major difference between DonorsChoose and Classful is that DonorsChoose […]
One of the most common questions we’re asked is if Classful safe. The short answer is yes, but that doesn’t mean we haven’t added the necessary precautions. However, limited information has led some people to believe crowdfunding is unsafe, which acts as a deterrent. So, is Classful safe? Below we will consider some essential security […]
Calling all teachers, Teacher Appreciation Week is just around the corner! Teacher Appreciation Week is a fantastic event recognizing how teachers contribute to society and support their local communities. Whether you plan on teaching your class about gratitude this week or showing your colleagues you appreciate them, don’t let this week slip by! What is […]
The Lindamood-Bell approach to reading comprehension is quite promising, and you could consider adopting it as part of your teaching program. You must understand the strengths and weaknesses of this particular technique " though many people can benefit from this particular approach, it doesn't work the same for everybody. Students learn incredibly differently, so it's […]
When you teach a class, you may encounter several behavioral problems, many of which have unique causes and manifestations. Key among them is self-regulation, the ability to manage our emotions and behavior in stressful situations, and this takes some time to develop as a child. Many children struggle with this and may act out as […]
Learning history in school is one of the most important aspects of education. It's a subject that enriches the education system greatly and provides an insightful look into the shaping of America, the world, and the way we live our lives today. Not only can history teach us about why society is the way it […]
While diapers are great for dealing with immediate emergencies, solving the problem of using the toilet more permanently is necessary. The potty training process can be challenging, but it’s one of the more rewarding things you’ll do as a parent. Learn more about potty training, when to do potty training, and some of the steps […]
Nowadays, 'manifest" and 'destiny" signify hope and success. They give us faith and hope that everything will be as it should be and that the pieces of our lives will fall into place over time. However, regarding U.S. history, the term 'Manifest Destiny" has an entirely different meaning. In this article, we will be exploring […]
As parents, you're raising the minds of tomorrow. You are your child’s friend, teammate, biggest fan, challenger, teacher, and safety net. Raising your kid means shaping their future, and we want you to shape it for success. Success means they have had all the tools from childhood designed to give them the confidence and self-esteem […]
The 3-day potty training method is a short, intensive course that lasts three days. It can be used with children of all ages, but it is most effective with children between the ages of 2 and 4. This method allows you to begin potty training your child after just a few days of effort. This […]
Lesson planning? That’s teaching 101! After all, it’s pretty hard to graduate to the classroom without knowing how to plan enriching lessons that allow students to learn effectively. So you would assume there is consensus on what makes a good lesson plan. And yet, there is considerable debate in the teaching world regarding how we […]
In the course of their career, most educators will use a range of evaluation and testing methods. They might also use more than one way to measure test results. One of the main ways to do this is via the criterion-referenced test, but how does it work exactly? And how is it different from other […]
This article is for you if you're a teacher of young students. We will give you an extensive list of activities you can use to make your spelling exercises engaging and different. Stand out from the rest and make learning fun! 30 spelling activities you may wish to try with your class Below is an […]
Some see mood rings as a gimmick that doesn't do anything. However, they are still popular even in the modern day and have some foundation in science. How were mood rings invented? The first mood ring was created as long ago as 1975 in New York when the inventors Maris Ambats and Josh Reynolds came […]
One of the most important developments in modern society is the Internet. We use this incredible network information for research, entertainment, and even our day-to-day work, and it is increasingly becoming one of the most critical columns of our lives. However, some people risk developing an addiction to the unrelenting flow of information that the […]
Most children think they're ready for a phone before their parents do. By the time your child is in Middle School, they may already know other children who have phones, and they'll likely frequently remind you of this fact. But there is no 'one size fits all' answer to what age is right for a […]
When young people play games in their free time, carers and loved ones benefit from knowing more about the content of these games and their age ratings. This is especially the case with Fortnite, a game that most kids and young people have experience playing. Learn more about what Fortnite's age rating is, in addition […]
What is Enchanted Learning? It is many things to many learners, parents, and educators. The two friends, founded in 1993 by Jeananda Col and Mitchell Spector, wanted to create a well-rounded selection of educational games on various topics for their children. Their first endeavor was a CD-ROM game called 'Busy Little Brains." The company is […]
FlexiSCHED is an educational tool that is useful to teachers and students by helping them keep up with student attendance records during high-engagement enrichment and intervention periods. The program is designed to flexibly fit in with students’ schedules and the school’s culture and philosophy. This is a program that teachers for teachers create. High school […]
Have you heard of it? It certainly sounds fascinating! It all started in the corporate world, where it had often been stated that employees were at their best when they were expected to spend 80% of their work time fully dedicated to company projects but the other 20% of their time pursuing their passions. It […]
The Achieve3000 (Game-Based Literacy) program aims to improve literacy for all learners. The online program works toward this with several thousand English and Spanish lessons that align with many state and national educational standards and Lexile levels. The game-based literacy instruction encourages academic growth and tracks each individual's progress. Achieve3000 is used by public and […]
A browser-based program developed specifically for education, Study Island is a widely used tool designed to meet each state’s standardized test requirements individually. A tool that supplements and improves learning for students of all ability levels, teachers consider Study Island an excellent preparatory program that suits the needs of their class without contradicting state-specified information. […]
In today's digital landscape, tech readiness is one of the most important aspects of any child's education. Learning to use tech hardware, such as laptops and tablets, is critical for today’s students. As much of their future education will require technology, teaching students how to use tech tools from an early age is always beneficial. […]
What is standards-based grading (SBG)? SBG is a classroom educational approach allowing teachers to measure and record a student’s comprehension of the content taught. The principle involves developing the student’s skills required to master the subject content by the end of the course. Traditional educational grading systems were established to categorize a student’s mastery level […]
Over the past decade, the pros and cons of standardized testing have been fiercely debated. While many parents see the benefits of why testing as good, others feel justifiably concerned that their children are being unfairly judged. Ask any parent why testing is terrible. The answer you're likely to receive will focus on the idea […]
Taking tests can be exciting, stressful, and anxiety-inducing in equal measure. Whether you're a student gearing up for your SAT or a teacher helping your students revise for a rigorous test, we've put together some essential test-taking tips to boost the chances of success. Of course, it is important to understand that these test-taking strategies […]
You'll need to assess your students regularly throughout the academic year. While most schools have end-of-year assessments, teachers routinely use regular assessments to determine whether learning objectives have been met. Traditionally, assessments were given in one format. In most cases, students were presented with a written examination and asked to complete it within a set […]
In low-income public schools, where the majority of students are not affluent or privileged, is where most will hear about the achievement gap. For many teachers, this phrase seems to be used predominantly about underprivileged and lower-income black students and not used to describe accurately the schools in which they attend. The disparity in academic […]
While tests are an effective way of tracking progress and can help kids identify academic areas that they need to work on, they can also be a huge source of anxiety. Tests are an inevitable part of school life, and virtually every child in the country has to take them. Sometimes, students can develop a […]
While tracking students’ academic progress is one of the most important parts of being a teacher, it is easy to overlook other aspects of their development. Social and emotional learning (SEL) skills are fundamental to a person's ability to navigate the world and get on with peers. In this way, young people must develop these […]
Clear boundaries help students determine behavior expectations for middle school and the behavior acceptable in a classroom environment. Perhaps more importantly, clearly defined guidelines also teach students about behavior that is not welcomed in the classroom! Middle schoolers, in particular, may require regular reminders about behavior expectations. As all parents, guardians, and teachers know, pre-teens […]
Creating and selling educational teaching projects on Classful.com can be an excellent way to share innovative learning methods and make a significant impact in the educational sector. This detailed guide will provide a comprehensive overview of how to design, develop, and market teaching projects that can thrive in an online marketplace dedicated to educational resources. […]
Stimming is not confined to one group of people " everyone is likely to have these habits and unique tendencies, even if you have not thought about what they are. It could be discreet, like biting your nails or fiddling with your hair. It could be tapping your fingers, rocking back and forth, or other […]
While you usually can't choose your surname, it can be something you need to do when it comes to writing books, movies, or gaming stories. As a part of this, you will need to find plausible but interesting last names for your characters that fit into the genre and don't distract the audience from the […]
Teaching special education involves working one-on-one with intellectually impaired, learning disabled, or developmentally delayed learners within and beyond the learning environment. As a special education teacher, the core job will involve assessing your learners' specific needs, limitations, and abilities to develop lesson plans that best address these needs. You will also be responsible for developing […]
When Judy Singer, a sociologist on the autism spectrum, began using the term 'neurodiverse" in the 1990s, she was one of the first in the movement to reject the notion of being disabled. She believed that individuals “neurodiverse” were not deficient but had peculiar strengths not recognized by society. Their brains were working differently from […]
Childhood OCD (or C-OCD) is a mental health disorder that affects children and adolescents. Obsessive thoughts, compulsive behaviors, or both characterize it. OCD can be difficult for parents to recognize. If you think your child may be suffering from this condition, getting them help as soon as possible is important. In this article, we look […]
Depression often goes hand in hand with Attention Deficit Hyperactivity Disorder or ADHD. They are recognized in the medical profession as coexisting or ‘comorbid’ conditions, which means that people can – and often – have them simultaneously. Various factors increase the chances of these conditions co-occurring, particularly when an early diagnosis hasn’t happened. With diagnosis […]
Intermittent explosive disorder (IED) is a mental health condition that causes people to have sudden outbursts of anger. It’s more common in children than adults, and it can be terrifying for the people affected by it and their loved ones. The good news is that there are many things you can do to help your […]
While everybody has their own unique version of what true happiness entails, many of us struggle to attain a more satisfying life. However, with a few changes to your daily habits, you can help to transform your life to become a happier, more fulfilled version of yourself. You may not have considered this, but habits […]
Attention-deficit hyperactivity disorder (ADHD) can be a complex disorder. Mental illnesses can have a range of causes and sometimes seem to have no root 'cause" at all. Some mental health disorders and mental illnesses seem closely tied to genetics. These can be present in multiple members of the same family line. Other mental illnesses can […]
If you work in childcare, teaching, or child protective services, having a clear understanding of the potential mental disorders children may suffer from is crucial. Understanding the complexities of these disorders, the potential signs, and the appropriate people to contact for help is an imperative part of your duties. You must be as educated as […]
Sleep training teaches your child to fall asleep on their own. This is a skill that they will need to function independently as they get older, so you must start teaching them as early as possible. Many different sleep training methods are available, each with advantages and disadvantages. This article will discuss some of the […]
When dealing with a psychological condition, you want to make sure that you take the right approach. After all, you only get one mind, and looking after it as well as possible means that you are in the best possible condition for years to come and can make the most of life. This can involve […]
That is a question that gets asked a lot, significantly if you’re not affected yourself. The answer is complicated: it depends on what kind of blindness the person has, how old they were when they became blind, and whether or not there are any other sensory problems associated with their vision loss. Here, we look […]
Three keys to success in ensuring students become global readers are phonemic awareness, concept imagery, and symbol imagery. While most educators have been teaching phonemic awareness for quite some time, concept imagery and symbolic imagery are relatively new concepts in decoding words. In this effective word decoding and phonics how-to guide, we'll look at decoding […]
With college admissions fast approaching and the competition hotter than ever, recommendation letters have never been more critical. These short pieces of text can be the one thing that sets your students apart from their peers " especially when it comes to the most prestigious of schools. Sound like a lot of pressure? Unfortunately, you're […]
When teaching spelling, one of the most tried-and-tested methods involves providing children with a list of words to learn at the beginning of the week, with a test taking place on Friday. While spelling tests have long been part of school life, it's fair to say that this method is somewhat boring and lacks the […]
For many students, transitioning from reading to analyzing text can be a struggle, especially regarding the main idea and details of a story or piece of writing. Often confused with the summary, the main idea must be identified by students as part of class and exam work and is part of the Common Core Standards […]
Throughout their education, serious students always find themselves taking notes. Simple note-taking is very common. However, less common but more important is the practice of annotation. Learning to annotate a book is a good skill to master because simple notes will accomplish some things. Still, the annotation will give students an edge in understanding the […]
Visual organizers and creative diagrams can help students formulate their thoughts and prepare an assignment. It can make schoolwork more fun for kids, too. This is the case with the hamburger paragraph. It uses a hamburger metaphor and diagram to help children put together the components of a full essay. Sometimes diving into an essay […]
Even confident writers find the task of essay writing daunting. Given the right amount of guidance and encouragement, students across a broad spectrum of ages and abilities can find the process manageable and enjoyable. So, whether you're a student looking to impress a teacher on your next assignment or an educator looking to help your […]
Many kids truly enjoy online gaming, competition, auto races, and interacting with peers. Putting these elements together into a program designed to improve typing skills – speed and accuracy – is where Nitro Type races onto the scene. What is Nitro Type? Nitro Type (improve typing skills) is recommended for learners in 3rd grade and […]
Essay writing can often feel like an elusive art for adults and children. Although most kids are expected to start crafting long essays once they hit middle school, most students feel a little nervous when challenged with writing an essay, regardless of how much experience they have. In many ways, this reluctance to write is […]
Narrative writing is one of three forms of written work that are commonly taught. These three methods are the primary forms of written work we utilize in the classroom. When it comes to writing in general, and narrative writing in particular, what can teachers do to improve the efficiency and effectiveness of their teaching? Read […]